Tuesday, January 25, 2011


One story I forgot to tell you yesterday, is when I went to the store to buy ramen. I actually didn't go there specifically to buy ramen, but-

Ok, seriously? Google chrome does not acknowledge 'ramen' as being a word?!. This IS a word, isn't it?

Jeremiah and I were outside playing in da snow, and he decided to go to the store, so I decided to go with him, and I also decided to buy ramen while I was there. I decided that I needed it, and then I decided that since I needed it I should buy it. I decided.

When I went up to the counter to buy my ramen, the clerk at the time, a super buff Indian man, said to me, "Oh hey Justin!" And he even tossed in a little wave.

I was confused. My name is not Justin you know. So I told him, "No, sorry my name is Eric." Still thinking he had me confused for another shopper. Notice I didn't scream something like, "I am not a girl and how can you be so rude." That is because I am a nice person. And because I AM a girl. 




I am not.

Without looking up from his work (What a hard disciplined man! He has LOTS of discipline!),  the other clerk said, "Yeah, he looks JUST like that Justin Bieber kid." I kinda chuckled to make him happy, and then waited for Jeremiah to buy his stuff. 

As we were leaving, the first guy yelled, "See ya Justin!" At the time, there was a teenage girl standing in line not too far away, and she whipped her head around to get a look at the boy of her dreams. Instead she saw me. She said, "Awww... He doesn't look ANYTHING like Justin Bieber!" And she's right. Maybe I have long swoopy hair, but it's blonde, and my face looks nothing like him. I am pretty sure that I can never go into that store without him calling me Justin again though. 

Me making a dumb face

Justin making a dumb face

See? NOTHING ALIKE. This isn't the first person that compared me to him either! One lady at my church told my parents, while I was standing RIGHT THERE, that "I can't get over how much he looks like that Justin Bieber kid!" I don't see it. 

It is kind of cool that some people think I look like someone who is so popular, even if it is Justin Bieber. I dunno, is that a bad thing?

Soon I plan on applying for a job at Meijers, a large branch store. I'm not sure if they are in every state, so I guess all I can say is that it is a very large branch. I am really excited about this, because it'd be my first job, and why wouldn't I be excited about that?

I had more things planned for today but I can't remember them at all. It's getting kinda late too, so here's a tune to listen to as you lie in bed trying to sleep. It will not help you. It will make you want to dance!

Didja dance? I certainly did. I DANCED ALL NIGHT LONG.

Also, Library Eric will not be here for a while, because I realized, with the help of Lex's comment, that he doesn't have to stay in this jerk state. He CAN change. That's why I sent him to a school that I found on the internet that can help him do that. Hopefully in a couple weeks he will return home and better and less annoying guy! If not, at least I have this time away from him. Wish him luck!

(I can't tell you which school because it, like him, doesn't exist.)

Au revoir, moi. 


  1. hahahahahaha i think it will be a nice change for library eric.

    and i didn't dance because i'm in the study lounge and i don't think the girl in here with me would appreciate it...but later... mark my words.. i WILL be dancing

    and no, you don't look like justin bieber. but it's not a bad thing people think you look like him. a whole new world of opportunities has just arrived at your doorstep. for instance, people can rent you out for parties and you can add "justin bieber look-a-like" to your resume. definitely a plus, i say.

  2. Yeah, I'm really looking forward to seeing what he'll be like.

  3. WOAH! I just scrolled down too much and saw your page view chart, it's interesting! I am the 3,127th person to view your blog!

    And I think you're kidding with us. You obviously just put two pictures of Justin Beiber up there, trying to trick us.

    Just kidding.

    If it's spelled Beiber, shouldn't it be pronounced Bay-ber? not Bee-ber.

    And I'm gonna miss library Eric... kind of... not... but don't tell him I said that...

  4. Um sorry dude, but if you unscrunch your face and if you maybe darkened your hair color, you and Justin look at least like brothers, at worst pretty similar!
