Thursday, May 6, 2010

Ironman 2 and Spaghetti. Ok, maybe not Spaghetti.

Argh. Well I hate typing in Blogspot’s typing box thing, so I wrote the previous blog on word, planning on copy/pasting it into the blog box after I was done. But, since Blogspot’s typing box thing is stupid, you can’t just paste it in, unless you do something really weird which I know about now. But anyway, because of this stupid copy/paste thing, I wasted a couple days of not having it up, I wasted a couple ‘I-WILL-do-it’s to Matt, and I wasted a whole paragraph trying to explain this. Let me predict the future. I am going to waste the rest of this page talking about Ironman and how much I’ve wasted.

And to waste another paragraph on something barely interesting (as if the rest of it will be), there is a guy next to me in the public library where I write this, watching Ironman 2 on the computer. It doesn’t come out in theaters until tomorrow. How did he do that I wonder? I know you can download movies that were recorded by people in the theater on Frostwire, because I have done it, but it is not in theaters yet. Maybe he hacked into Marvel or whoever made the movie and he is watching it from there. I dunno.

Wow. I have wasted so much space so far that I am almost to the bottom of the page on Microsoft Word. Actually two-thirds might not be almost, but it’s more than half. I wonder how long I can go before I can no longer post two or three page blogs. Of course, I double space it when I type to make it easier for me to read, but still.

I just glimpsed at Ironman 2 and it makes me wonder how many Iron men there are in that movie. I’ve seen the first one, and there was only one. Two if you count that fat guy that fight him at the end. Seriously I’m sure there is like five or six guys flying around. That makes me want to see that even more. Some of my room-mates are seeing this Friday, but I really cannot go then. I’ll probably download it online. There has got to be some Korean website that has it. My exchange students are coming home this weekend too! Sounds like a plan. Sounds like I have been talking about nothing for a full page.

Hmmm. This is harder than I thought it would be. I should just get to the subject that I planned on talking about, which was my medicine (wow, when I first typed medicine it came out ‘mwedicene’. I’m a really sloppy typist.).
I have ADHD, which does not mean that I am stupid; it just means that it is harder for me to focus on one thing for a while. I’m hoping it also has something to do with my Bad memory, but I probably just have a really bad memory anyway.
Anyway, I have to take these small orange swallow vitamins, one in the morning before I go to school and one right after school for study halls (I would say ‘pills’ but I hate that word). They actually do make a noticeable difference, noticeable to me at least, and they help a lot. They even help with my memory.
Let me temporarily interrupt with this. I think its funny how if somebody sneezes while reading a book at the public library, EVERY SINGLE librarian quickly whips their head over to see if he ‘splashed’ on any books. That just happened and I almost el-oh-el’ed. I am surprised none of them smashed their heads like melon on a cabinet or something. They didn’t even look both ways before they whipped their head. My mom always told me to do that.

Also I just noticed the Ironman guy (just finished btw), ahs black fingernail polish. If you know me you might know how much that bothers me. The rest of my time here will be uncomfortable. Sigh…

Anyway, the pills help me, blah blah blah. Ok here we are.
So I live in a dormitory (I talk like you’ve never seen me before just in case this blog gets semi popular. ‘Yeah right’, you say. Well I can always hope.), so I can’t just keep the swallowies in my dorm room drawer, where I could get them and take them in ten seconds. I have to give them to the nurse two flights of stairs down, so that she can take them. My mom says it is because they don’t want kids stealing them and trying to get high on them. I say, who would try to overdose ADHD medicine? That’s just as stupid as trying to take one of Willy Wonka’s squirrels. Except that I do want a pet squirrel. That would be awesome, until it scratches my family and my eyes out and living in our house with all twelve thousand of its family members.
It is 4:00. It being 4:00 means that it is time to get back to my main point.
The backup nurse is really old, and she really creeps me out. She always wants to give everybody a hug, but she is not one of those nice old people who somehow always seem to be extremely clean, so you would have absolutely no problem with hugging them. She is not dirty either, just average. She is also really shaky, so when you hug her you shake the whole time, so I’ve heard. I have not hugged her before. The first and only time she tried to hug me one time, I panicked inside, because, I did NOT want to hug her, and I said the first thing that I thought of.

“No thanks, I dont like hugs.”

I know pretty stupid. I felt bad because she obviously knew that I didn’t want to hug her. Don’t think that I’m a bad person, because if that’s exactly what came into your head when I said that, you obviously don’t know this lady.
The main nurse is not an old lady, as many generic nurse characters you see in books and movies are. She looks around forty, but I am bad with guessing ages, so she very well could be an old lady. Haha the antonym for woman is man! That’s not actually funny Eric. Oh, Sorry.

This nurse is also much nicer than the other one. She is too nice in fact. This nurse with overflowing friendliness is the reason I brought up my medicine, and the dorm, and my ADHD, and… ok nothing else, because of what I am going to tell you.
For the last maybe two weeks I have not taken my medicine (my grades are showing it), because of this nurse. Ok it’s also my fault, but hers as much as mine. Every morning, I wake up at about 7:20, and when I am all ready for school, the first bell rings at 7:45. After the first bell rings, I have five minutes to get down two flights of stairs (total of 24 stairs), and down three long hallways to get to my history class. I am often in my desk about 45 seconds before the bell rings. I am actually supposed to get my medicine at this time, but if I down to get it, I have to go down two flight of stairs in the opposite direction of history class, get it, swallow it, and go down four long hallways, and I would often be late.

This makes me late enough, but the worst part is that one really happy nurse. She always wants to talk to me, ask me how I am, ask me if I am taking my medicine home for the weekend (which I never do, but she always asks anyway), and this is guaranteed to make me late. That is why I haven’t taken my medicine for a while.
I know there are a couple things I could do to avoid this, such as wake up earlier and get ready faster, but who wants to get up early? My room-mates do, apparently. They get up around 6:45, at the latest. This is why I carefully chose my room-mates for next year, making sure they also sleep in a little longer. Haha, I am good.
Still. I know that I could easily avoid this whole conflict, and I have to from now on, my parents found out that since my medicines have not run out yet, that I haven’t taken them for a while.

Wow. That was a very long blog. I feel very accomplished after writing this.
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