Monday, May 10, 2010

I did fine without a nose.

Yes! I'm so happy! After I was done typing yesterday’s blog, I really wanted to Write another one, because I actually liked typing it. It took me a couple hours, but it was fun!

I never thought that I would like typing five pages on word without a break or anything, and in school, I wouldn't. The only two things that make typing a paper for school and writing a Blog is that in school, you actually are being forced to do it. I'm not being forced to write this at all. That’s the only difference. Many things are like that. If you are forced to do them, you whine, procrastinate, and maybe not do it as well as you could have. But this is more writing that I’ve written in school for a long time, but I’m doing on my own time, so I like it and its fun. Weird huh?

Oh yeah, remember yesterday when my nose disappeared? After it vanished, I was trying to tell you that I could live without a nose, but I was rudely interrupted by Oscar Pretzel’s disappearance. OOOH THAT BURNS ME. Yeah, being able to smell cookies or your neighbor’s bed sheets is a nice ability, but is it necessary? Sure, you can smell Gasoline or Carbon Monoxide in time to dive out your third story apartment window, but nowadays, we have machines to smell that for us! C’mon! So I guess what I’m trying to tell you is that I DID survive one whole day without a nose, and I’m perfectly fine.

I write too much in these blogs, and it comes back to get me when I have to type them. That’s ok though, because in my opinion, writing a lot is much better than writing very little, as some people do. I think its way more entertaining. I think that once I run out of topics about, this blog will really suck. That’s ok too I guess, since it will be a very long time before I run out of topics. I’m a very topic filled guy. I’m very lazy though. Y’know why? This is the beginning of the fourth entry, and I haven’t posted anything on my blog yet. Well, at least while I write this I haven’t. When you read it I will have, OBVIOUSLY.

For Mother’s Day, I didn’t make her a card like my siblings. No, I made an animated gif for her. How way more cool is that? Just thought I’d mention that.

Yesterday I had to stay (x) amount of minutes after study hall, because I was that same (x) amount of minutes late. During this time, I was writing yesterday’s blog entry, and I was so into it that I accidentally stayed (y) amount of minutes extra, but I didn’t get ANY candy for it! I was so mad. (x=20 minutes, y=10 minutes)

Ok, so a week ago, I saw Krieger reading a web comic online in study hall, and I
decided that I wanted to read them also. He set me up with two of them, with many more where that came from (baby). The first was, and it has over 700 entries, and in less than a week, I read them all. The second, which I am still working on because it has over 1,000 entries, is I like the second better.

Setting goals for myself and completing them like this makes me feel so much more accomplished in my life, kind of what I described in the first blog. have started many goals for my self already, such as reading the entire archives of, read as many web comics as I can, watch all of the Shaytard’s videos, and many more like that. Every time I accomplish one of these goals, I always feel so happy. I should keep a list of my goals on my blog. That’s a good idea. I don’t feel stupid and I don’t feel like I’m wasting time when I sit in front of the computer all day and do things like this, I actually feel the opposite. It’s just like with Maple story. My mom always asks me and my sister if we feel like we are wasting time playing it for countless hours, and the truth is, getting my character to level up just makes me feel awesome. Also, it makes me feel better than boringly playing outside. I already maxed my rollerblading skill anyway. The web comics help me feel good inside too. You should check ‘em out. They are really funny.

Playing outside reminds me of something. Recently, a new family moved into a house across the street from us. From what I have been able to figure out by watching them out my window (wow, I hope they don’t read this), there is one boy my age, and one girl older than me. Though they have lived there for two months, I never talked to either of them until once recently, and I haven’t talked to them since then. When I did talk to the boy, it was kinda a funny story, and I’ll tell you in a minute. But I always wonder why people always are shy to talk to new people, even if they have heard from someone that that person is funny or something. You know that you would get along with them, but you are shy to talk to them at first anyway. This always happens to me and my cousin Sammy (I always say, ‘No Sam I am, I do not green eggs and ham.’ He gets really mad too. It amuses me.). Now he lives in California, so I NEVER see him anymore, but he used to live in Wisconsin, and we would visit him at least once a year. No matter how much fun we had on previous visits, every time we see each other, we are too shy to talk for almost a full day. A FULL DAY! I’m not sure what the full point of this paragraph was. I guess I just want you to realize how silly it is to be shy to new people, and that you should just talk to the person, but I think I failed.

Sam and I used to have so much fun. One time, we took a plastic toy cow and wrapped it in so much duct tape you could not see the cow, it was just a ball of duct tape. Then we would roll it down the stairs. Another time, we were playing a Star Wars pod-racer game for the PS2, and every time I turned I would move my body in that direction, and he made fun of me for it.

Oh yeah, the story when I talked to that kid that lives across the street from me. Thanks for reminding me. Ok, first let me describe him. The kid is tall, slightly orange haired, and kinda…big (I feel uncomfortable putting that he was fat because of the slight possibility that for some reason he sees this.). He always zooms around the road with his bike, from one corner of the block to another, then back again, over and over.

One time my brother and I were freezing stuff to make weird shaped ice, like putting water in a cup, and then putting another cup inside so that the ice is in the shape of a cup. Stuff like that. I decided to freeze a water balloon to make a sphere of ice. When I filled the balloon, I saw him out the window zooming past on his bike as always. Heh heh. I carried the water-filled balloon outside (It wasn’t a water balloon. It was a water-filled balloon. Haha.), and waited behind my parent’s van in the driveway. Where I was standing, he couldn’t see me until he went right past, but when DID go past, I smashed the large water-filled balloon on the ground directly behind him. He instantly screeched to a stop, actually pretty fast (he has the reaction time of a video gamer). Right away I assured him by saying;

“Don’t worry Daddy’s gotcha.” Ok, maybe not. That probably would not have assured him very well.

Actually I said, “Don’t worry; I would have never done that to you.” YES I USED A SEMICOLEN!!

He instantly replied, “I would’ve done it to you.” I know, kinda freaky eh?

We talked for a little bit, but I ended the conversation pretty quickly, because he was kinda weird. Now that I wrote it down, it doesn’t seem that funny but hey, you asked for it. OK SO YOU DIDN’T! But I don’t care, I wrote it.
Ok, so this is the end of this one. In my opinion, this is the has been the best one so far.