Friday, July 16, 2010

First half of the story

Ok, I'm leaving tomorrow, so I thought I'd try and write a good blog before I left. That would be nice huh? Me writing a good blog? I'm almost certain not a single one of you twelve actually reads these. It's ok though, because I am almost certainly getting a youtube channel. That way I know for certain I will be able to get people to watch my videos.

Oh, also, I just got a fiction press (like one minute ago) so that I can write stories. I have written stories when I was little (they were REALLY crappy), but I am older and I can write better stories. My fictionpress username is CamelFruit as my youtube channel will be. ONLY if you wanna check that thing out, if you don't you're a bugger.

Yesterday I found a folder with all the papers I wrote for my speech class. I wanna show you some. Here ya go.

Ok, REALLY?!!?! I got got the eleventh bloody nose in three days. WHAT IS GOING ON?
If that grossed you out, isorry.  It's what's going on in my life.

Ok, I'm all better now, I say ok and anyway too much, andI will start the first story. The first assignment was to write two paragraphs. One about something that happened to me as a child, and the second wasproving that sports CAN be dangerous (Iknow that one is dumb, but hey). The funny thing that got me in trouble because I laughed about it was that instead of two paragraphs I wrote over two pages. The teacher even left I note at the bottom of the page saying, "Eric the assignment was to write two paragraphs. You write well, but you have to follow an assignments instructions." I know write? Heh heh puns...

Here we go! Ill leave notes every once in a while.

I had a very full and exiting childhood, and I did many things, There is one thing however, that sticks out to me as a good thing to write about.

Winter is probably my favorite time of the year (note: that is a lie), only because of two things. One reason is when we got to stay home because of so much snow (note: my school now doessn't believe in snowdays.), and the other reason I love winter so much is snow itself. I have loved snow my whole life, and I cannot wait until it snows soon. The second best thing about snow, the first being snowmen, is sledding.

Near my house, there is a hill that a lot of people sled on. This can be a bad thing, of course, but in this case, it is a good thing. The reason for this is that the snow gets so packed down from the many people sledding on it, and it gets literally as slick as ice in some places, and it is obvious why this is fun.

I realized I have not told my story yet so I better do that.

OK, apparently I was mistaken and we are leaving for camp in less than an hour. I'll have to finish the story in a week. Oooooh suspense!