Tuesday, March 8, 2011

100th post! (Group effort x3)

Group effort x1
Group effort x2

This weekend, Krieger was over, so I decided to do a group effort blog. I also wanted this to be specially good, because it's my 100th blog

So for this group effort blog, I am going to blog like normal, and then Krieger will write every paragraph again underneath from HIS point of view. Basically, this will just prove that he needs to continue his blog. Uh-huh, the one with the flames and the indecisive title. To make things harder for him, I'm going to try and make the paragraphs as specific as I can.

Here we go.

This weekend, Krieger was over. Usually this means that we do many things, and we hardly have time for them all. This was a pretty busy weekend though, and we didn't really do all that much at home, except watch movies on Netflix. Those movies included, The Prince of Persia and  Arena. Did we really only watch two? It felt like more...  

This weekend, I was at Pankow's house. Since he no longer goes to 'ye olde school', I was really looking forward to the weekend. I've been there several times before, and I always enjoy myself, though we rarely have as much time as I would like. This time even more so.

So the weekend started off, as most (by most, I mean all) do, at 'ye olde school'. Nothing really notable happens there, however, so I'll pick up when I arrive at Pankow's house.

It was a dark, and modestly stormy evening. We decide to walk to the store, as we are low on resources. (Half of a flat 2-liter ginger ale, 6-ish ramen, and a disturbing lack of paczki) We venture out into the rain to the nearest grocery establishment, where we stock up on pop, then head off to a convenience store for some paczki(I love me some paczki). We return and watch Prince of Persia, because surprisingly enough, I hadn't seen it yet.

First thing Saturday morning, I woke up, and since Krieger NEVER gets out of bed right when he wakes up, but instead sits there waking up, I played a little Legend of Zelda on my wii. After I died many times (Krieger laughed at me...:( ), I rage quit, and we both got up. 

The next morning I wake up to Pankow playing Zelda. Man, I got a good laugh out of that one. We plan on going into downtown, but time slips away into the Minecraft and it never happens. Nothing you plan ever happens once you get sucked into Minecraft.

At 12:00 A.M., We had to go to my Choir concert. It was the most laid back performance that people wore tuxedo shirts that I ever went to. Usually at 'ye olde school', everyone was so worked up and nervous that it made you nervous. Here, it almost seemed like no one cared. Sure everyone was a little nervous, but it didn't show. Before my choir sang, the orchestra played some songs. I had never heard them before, and they were the coolest sounding orchestra I have ever heard. Then my choir went up, sang, and then we left. Simple as that.

Eventually it was time for me to go to Pankow's choir concert. I wasn't terribly excited for it. I think we were late, but from what I could tell, so was almost everyone else. As soon as I walked in, I instantly felt underdressed. Everyone was dressed fancy, and there I was in jeans and a Pokémon shirt. Still, I managed to kinda enjoy myself. It's the type of thing where you're content, but you can think of so many places you'd rather be and things you'd rather be doing. The orchestra was pretty good, and Pankow's choir was decent. As all things do, it came to an end, and instantly I was thrust into the next event of my Saturday. 

At 5:00 P.M., we were going to go to fasching, a German holiday in which you dress up and dance. We were going to a German club not too far from my house to celebrate. We have been going there every year since I can remember. There is a costume party, and there is prizes, so Krieger and I thought,  "Hey, we might as well dress up, just in case we do win something." So right after the choir concert, my mom took us straight to Goodwill for things to make a costume, because I am a believer of making your own costumes, and I am completely against store bought.

As soon as we got to Goodwill, Krieger and I went straight for the shirts, completely forgetting the real reason we were there. I did get some good shirts though, one about AOL with the little yellow guy on the back, a Volcom shirt with white birch trees and a red versionof the 
Volcom symbol, only because it looks REALLY cool, and a black and white horizontal striped shirt, because I have always wanted one. We then realized, we need costumes. We really didn't care what we dressed up as, as long as we won something, so when my mom came with a red and white striped pirate shirt, we decided one of us would be a pirate, and we would figure something else out at home. To make a very long story short, Krieger ended up being a pirate, and I ended up being a Mexican bandito, just because we had a sombrero and a poncho.

Said event was a trip to Goodwill. While we originally were going to get costumes for a fasching party, as soon as we got there we headed straight for the t shirts. I was rather satisfied by my haul of shirts, finding a Captain Hammer shirt(It's from a series of videos called Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog. Check it out, they're really well done.), a light green shirt with a pig on it(I have no idea what I liked so much about this shirt, but some part of me couldn't say no.), and a Volcom shirt(Mine's cooler than Pankow's.).

After our successful Goodwill outing, it was time to dress up for fasching. (We really didn't get much at goodwill in terms of costumes, but eh, whatever) I ended up going as a pirate(red and white striped shirt that exposed more of my stomach than a guy should show regularly, ragged jeans, FAKE BEARD(actually drawn on with eye shadow, but it looked pretty good I thought), and a sword(a katana actually, which is about the least piratey sword available, and apparently I had the sheath upside down the whole night)).  Oddly enough, three days after I go to a fasching celebration, I learned about it in German class. We watched a video on it. CRAZY STUFF HAPPENS AT FASCHING.


Krieger won a $15 gift card, but I didn't win anything :( . IT's OK though, because I was more comfortable than him the whole night with that tiny red and white shirt. Heh heh.

We also watched Troll 2 later that night, which Pankow forgot to mention above.

On Sunday, we went to church, and then lazed around at home and took a nap. 

On Sunday, we went to church. Afterward, Pankow tried to force me into a bike ride, which I was vehemently opposed to. We only got a little into the trip before we turned back (But not before buying more paczkis).  I then proceeded to take a nap for a while, until I had to leave.

I feel as if I have more to add, but I cannot for the life of me figure out what it is. I assume it will come to me later, and I’ll do what I’m usually forced to do and convert it into a comment.

Quick fact about me and naps, quoted exactly from my mom, 
        "As soon as you (Me, not you) were sixteen months old, we could NOT get you to take naps. We would read you books and drive you around in the car but you would not take a nap." 

I remember being a couple years old and having to read books or draw or make things with construction paper (make a mess with construction paper) while everyone else took naps, because I could just not take naps. I think this is really cool, but my mom says it is not. 

So long and thanks for all the fish! -Pankow