Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Dance

I left early Saturday morning, to stay in the dorm of my old school, AGAIN. This will be the last time for a while. I went up there for the Valentines dance.

Here's my opinion on dances. Mind you, I have only gone to dances from this same school, so this is basically only about those dances, because I don't know what other dances are like, what is similar and what is different from other schools' dances.

  1. The music is generally bad. Usually, they just play popular hip hop songs changed to have a dance beat in the background. At the dance, the DJ played Justin Beiber. Yeah, my supposed look-alike. It was funny though, because as soon as it came on, half the guys left the gym, only to reenter when the song was over. 
  2. To put it bluntly, most dance moves look stupid to me. I stood up on the balcony that overlooked the whole dance floor and just watched, and people were either just jumping up and down, or just flailing their bodies around. I tried to think, if everyone is doing it, it can't look too stupid. When I tried it myself however, I felt too stupid to continue. I dunno.
  3. The thing I like most about dances is the handkerchief game. It has no name, so I'm just going to call it the handkerchief game. It is a game that has been played since my first dance freshman year, and I don't know how long before that. Basically, someone brings a handkerchief into the dance, and puts in in his back pocket, half hanging out. That person proceeds to run around the dance floor, doing whatever we can to avoid the other players. The other players try and find this person among the other dancers, and then steal the handkerchief. If successful, that person puts it in their pocket, and runs away. It's basically tag. With a handkerchief. No matter how boring this game sounds, it IS fun.
  4. To get into the dance, it cost's $4.00 if you are single, and $6.00 for a couple (Three per person in the couple). While this is a good deal, the male person of the relationship ends up paying for the girl, so it isn't a very good deal for the guys. Also, people would pair up on the way to the dance just to get in cheaper. They should just have one solid price. I dunno.
  5. Good things: The Handkerchief game; when the dance was over, the freshman had to clean up; and free candy!
One funny story from the dance. One of my friends from Korea (not important) sneakily-snuck* his laptop into the dance by putting it in the back of his shirt. He then sat in the corner and played Minecraft until he got caught. I admire his love for the game.

I am still getting to your tag Lex, just be patient!

*Sneakily-Snuck is a phrase I made up a while ago. I like it a lot.