Wednesday, May 12, 2010

This blogs rules, and Smeagolish behavior.

Yesterday, on Tuesday (Aww, it's only Wednesday), I didn't post anything, and I have a good excuse for it. I had a runny nose, and it prevented me completely from typing anything. Seriously, I was physically unable to type anything blog related. The truth is no where near that excuse (I just didn't feel like doing it.), but it is a good excuse anyway. It's ok that I didn't put anything, because I am not going to be like shaycarl, or Charlestrippy (or however his name is spelt, I don't know, I don't watch his videos. One daily vlog is enough.), by posting one up every single day for months at a time without missing a single one. Basically, I'm going to as many days as I can (or feel like), except for on the weekends. I have more important things to do on the weekends, like maplestory. Y'know, stuff that I can only do on the weekends. Also, during the summer, I will post much less, but I will. In the summer it will always depend on what time I wake up in the morning. Or afternoon. I think they will be shorter during the summer, because I will be too lazy to write, but more interesting, because I will actually do things worth writing about. Also, if I go on a car trip, they will be beastly long because I will have nothing else to do in the car.
With a little over two weeks of school left in the year, every single day except for Monday feels like a Friday. Mondays… just feel slow and stupid, until the end of the day when you think it is Tuesday, because then you feel stupid. Aggh. Every week seems longer than the last, and every weekend feels even shorter.
I like four letter words, which is why I use them a lot. Words like Aggh, argh, haha, y'know stuff like that. Also reading over what I write, I use a LOT of contractions, even though I had that one paragraph on how I think they are stupid. I still like them though, and a probably use them so much because that how I talk. I blend words together and I speak kind lazily. Sometimes when I am way too lazy to move my mouth to say something, but someone asks me a question, I just grunt. The way I grunt lets them know exactly what I mean, so I don't need to explain. A frequent example is when someone passes by me in the hallway and says hi. I am too tired and lazy to say hi back so I grunt in a way that they can translate as hi. Usually I do this right when I wake up in the morning, when my eyes still are crusty and haven't adjusted to the bright light yet. People try to talk to me, but I just grunt. By now they've figured out that I'm really not a morning person, and that I'm still grumpy from not being able to watch the end of my dream and knowing that for countless hours I will be bothered from not knowing what happened to the main character. Spoiler alert; (<- semicolon. <- spelled right.) he fell into stomach fluid and became badly disfigured, and probably die. Also, his house that he completely built out of Jell-o completely caved in, killing his wife and kids (Seriously, why doesn't that happen in Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs? I was anxiously waiting for it to happen, but
when they left the house and it DID'NT happen, I was convinced that they were going to come back to that Jell-o house, and it was going to collapse then).
Hmm, what was I non-rudely saying before rude Eric Pankow rudely interrupted. How rude of him. Oh yeah, I'm not a morning person. A good example happened in the beginning of the year, when they didn't fully understand how grumpy I can get in the morning (they still don't have a full grasp, they still try to talk to me, I know, how rude!). I sleep on the bottom bunk of Matt and my bunk bed, which was crammed up in the wall. His blanket is king sized, so he shoved half of it between his mattress and the bed frame. He had already gotten out of bed, and the blanket was hanging over, completely closing off my bunk like a dark cave. Oh the days of my dark warm cave. Anyway, I was sleeping in the cave, and, unknown to me, everyone was crowded around my bed, ready to pounce if they needed to. Miller slowly crept up, probably doing that raptor walk thing that he does, which you may not known about you, you person reading this (Congratulations to you for reading this far by the way.).

Anyway, Miller crept up, bent over, grabbed the corner of my blanket, and pulled. Somehow I woke up fast enough to grab it, but he kept on pulling it. I was grumpy (the main character was in a fight with a giant red worm), and I wanted my blanket, so I burst out of the cave. Miller was still holding the blanket, so I attacked with great ferocity. The all of a sudden exposure to cold air didn't make me any happier. I punched and kicked, probably looking REALLY stupid. Actually, I should probably say 'drowsily flailed my body part in the vague direction of Miller'. He finally let go, and, like Smeagol, I scampered back into my cave. That was my side of the story, and his is probably different, but now you see how people mess with me in the morning as well as how much of a morning person I am not.