Wednesday, September 15, 2010


“I wear Old Navy; they have an excellent selection and are priced well within their market.”

Do you know what that is from? If so, then congratulations. If you don’t shame on you, or you just have a bad memory, and I understand that. I do too.

Is it just me, or is it harder than it should be to spell congratulations? That is a really long word. I think that if you want to “Congratulate” someone, you should not bore them with the longevity of the words you use to do it. Get it over with why doncha? That’s why I just say;

“I love you”

Except I never say that.

It is really hard to blog on weekdays, though I don’t blog on weekends. This is because on the weekends, I like to do stuff other than sit and type for half an hour. I do not have a half an hour to spare with all the sleeping and wondering what I can do since the internet is down.

Really, last weekend our internet went down. It was so boring. I know that there was plenty that I could do, but really none of those things seemed appealing to me. You know what I mean. You ask your mom what to do, she’ll say, “Well, you can wash the bathroom floor, you can wash the floors bathroom, you can bathroom the washes floor, you can…”

I am getting weirder and weirder. It’s good though right?

The point is, you should never let your mom know that you are bored. Hide in a closet or something.

267 words. Oh, now it’s 272. Gah! It keeps changing!! AHhhhhhh!!!

A volleyball game is going on right now. I can’t go to it because I’m in study hall. I never know when the games are until the day of, and then it’s too late to reschedule my study halls. It angers me.

Cut, Copy, Paste.

The vowels are: A E I O U.

I’m kinda crazy right now. I don’t like the word hyper for some reason. I just don’t. But recently I have been crazier more and more often, and I’m not sure if it’s a good thing or not.

I love you.

Except I never say that.