Monday, January 24, 2011

[Title here]

Over the weekend, I stayed in the dorm of the school I used to go to, and I had an enormously great time. It was great to see my friends again, and it was really cool being able to hang out without the fact that I have to go to study hall in a few hours sitting in the back of my head like it would be when I actually wen there. I was there only to have fun, and I didn't have to think about ANYTHING school related. It was great.

I noticed that people will treat you much better when they haven't seen you for a while, and they know that in a few days they won't see you for a while again. Many more happy faces and hugs were tossed my way, and even two "Pankow, I love you"s, Both from the same person (Natsis, I love you too (Tell your beard I also love him)).

On Friday night, Jeremiah and I went out into the cement garden of the school, and we went straight to the shortest, steepest stairway. With shovels in hand we covered the stairway with snow, making it into a little hill. Then we took our wheel-less skateboard decks and slid down them. It was out pitiful attempt to create a snow boarding lodge. We only got one customer, and he never paid. Too bad. I think our problem was the severe lack of hot chocolate.

On Saturday, Krieger and I rode in the van of a complete stranger good friend of ours while he did a couple errands (During which we bought pot pies), and for keeping him company, he took us to Good-Will. Of course, while we were at Goodwill, Krieger managed to find two copies of World of Warcraft, and he continued to go on a nerd rant about how used versions of WoW are completely useless. We got some pretty good shirts there, I managed to find a Home star runner shirt!

AMAZING FIND ERIC! (<----- Sarcasm)

Library Eric, you don't know a good shirt when you see it, you don't even wear shirts most of the tim- WHY ARE YOU HANGING FROM THE CEILING?!? 

I WAS doing crunches, to take healthy care of my abdomens, but I found out I can only do 3. Now I am stuck here. 

Well I am not going to help you down, that should keep you from playing my ds and eating my ramen. 

Oh I am way ahead of you. I hid all your ramen, and I have your ds up here with me. 

Why I outta...

After 'losing' Jeremiah a mile from school (I'll tell the story tomorrow), playing Halo 3 for the first time in MONTHS, and then watching the Packers maximum wedgie the Bears, in a simple children's card game football, I had to go home, thus ending the super weekend. It was MUCH more fun that I can say in a blog, and MANY MORE times than I did in this one, but I think you can only put so much awesome into words.

OH! Also I am working on another comic, so that should be uploaded to my comic blog soon, and when ever the next issue of the school newspaper comes out I'll have another. I have been really ignoring that blog, but I am trying to make more comics now that I have gotten used to how this home school things works.

Here is something to hopefully make you laugh.

If I don't return, avenge my death!