Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Why am I starting this Blog? (It's a boring title, trust me I know.)

A couple of my friends have done it, and I have wanted to do it for so long, I am going to do it, I am going to start a blog! Wow. The second half of that sentence probably made you really hate me. But seriously, I can remember when I was a little kid, and I used to write in my little Harry Potter journal under the bed with a flashlight, even though it was the middle of the day and I could have just as easily done it on the kitchen table. It might have even been easier on the table. I probably will post what I wrote in there later, just to bring back memories and to take up space in this blog. Plus maybe it will make you hate me more, because hate is a good thing right? Be hateful to your friends and neighbors. I don’t know.

Now if you are trying to punch me through your computer screen because I keep rambling on about nothing, stop, because I am going to start being serious. Mostly because my cat is doing it too. Just kidding, my cat doesn’t have a computer. Actually, I don’t even have a cat. But that’s not the point. In the next paragraph, I am going to actually talk about what is in the title, which is why I am starting this blog. Go ahead. Go to the next paragraph.

Ok, I lied. Go to the NEXT paragraph, for some real seriously not serious blogging.

That’s a good reader. To be boring and to get straight to the point (which I actually haven’t done, look at how much I have wrote so far), the first reason I am starting this blog is so that I can feel more accomplished about my life so far. I am constantly on the internet, and I see many videos of what people have made and what people have done, some at a very young age. Like one young boy programmed a finger-painting iphone app., and he was less that ten years old. This makes me look at how average my life is, and this blog will help me to feel more accomplished. I mean seriously!

I’m not sure why I said ‘I mean seriously!’ in the last paragraph, but I did so your just going to have to sit there and take it like a man/woman! Actually, I probably won’t get any female readers. I’m not very smooth with the opposite gender. Excluding my dog. But that doesn’t count.

The second reason I am writing this blog is because… (Bathroom break)
The second reason I am writing this blog is because of one man, Shay Carl. Shay Carl is a famous YouTuber who has recorded a video of his hysterical life every single day for over a year now, all averaging around ten minutes per video. It is not just that that makes me like him so much, its his personality. Shay just has a way of joking his way, into your brain, and then locking himself in there. Even though you wouldn’t want to, if you pounded on the door and yelled for him to open up and come out, like a stubborn child, he would not unlock the door to your brain. I make this sound like a bad thing, but no. This is a very good thing, but he is just very addicting in a good way. I hope you understand.


Oops. I’m sorry, the reason Shay made me want to make this blog is that I realized, that even though it is a lot of work for him to record, edit, and upload all those videos every day, when he is older, he can go back and watch when his kids were almost babies. His kids can do this too. So this made me want to do something like that, where I can look back on my life, and think of all the good times that I have had. And cry. Wait, who just typed that part? It certainly wasn’t me!
This is getting pretty long, but I have one thing to say. Even though I am doing this almost as much for my entertainment as yours, I promise that I will keep this going for longer than the average blog, and I hope that it will be entertaining for you.