Thursday, August 5, 2010

Today I've got a story to tell you!

You ready for the story??

So this week I have been a sub-coach at a free soccer camp, in which my dad is a co-leader. This year, there was a total of 130 kids in three different age groups. It's fun, I get to lead the kids in drills and stuff, and although the kids can be frustrating, and might actually convince me to stay a virgin many years after marriage, I like it.

The park that we rented for the week is about five miles away from my house, kind of out in the country, but not quite. It's in an area of Michigan that I am not familiar with, as this camp is the only time I come near here. 

On Tuesday, I was at my friends house before the camp, and he drove me straight there. At his house, ate some ramen, my first whopper ever (I didn't like it much), four large pieces of some delicious lasagna, gummy bears, some red-white-blue candy corn (they tasted amazing!), and some extremely spicy jerky that burnt my mouth. I suspect it was the jerky that gave me the runs, but whatever it was, I was in the bathroom for a good ten minutes when the soccer camp was over for the day.

My mom and my dad took two cars to the soccer camp, and when it was over, my mom took my brother and sister across the street to a river. My was finishing closing the camp, and he saw my mom's chair by a tree. He picked it up and put it in his van. He then drove over to the river, and yelled to my mom, "I put your chair in my van!" and drove away. My mom and siblings stayed at the river for a minute more, and left. 

Soon after, I came out of the bathroom. I looked and the parking lot was empty. I went across the street to the river to see if they were there. They were not. That's when I realized that they left me there.

This is what happened. When my dad said, I put your chair in my van, my mom  though he said, Eric is in my van. My dad thought she  had me, my mom though he had me. Also, since I am in my room so much, when they were both home, they assumed I was in there, so they both had no idea I was gone.

When I realized I was alone, I started walking. I thought I knew the way, since most of the way is one straight road, so that's the way I went. I ended up walking for two miles down that one road before I came to some businesses. I went into a Walgreens and called my house. It was funny when they got a call from me when they thought I was downstairs in m room.

If I knew the way home I would have walked all the way home, just to see  their faces when I walked in the door saying, "I'm home!"

Nice story, eh? 

Well I was going to record more stuff for my rollerblading video today, but my brother was not wanting to. It'll be a while before I can record more stuff, because we're going to the fair tomorrow, and all that bam-kablooie. 

The fair!! Last year, I met a girl who told me I was cute there. Hahaha she WAS pretty funny...

Also, soon I will finish that story of my childhood that I started that one day soon. 


Why do I get the weird feeling I spelled that wrong?

Toodleoo? Toodloo? Tootleoo?

If you know the correct spelling for this interjection, PLEASE TELL ME in the comments.

Begone vampire readers!!