Tuesday, December 7, 2010

So leave a peppermint stick, for Old Saint Nick...

I am SO sorry I have stopped blogging for... How long now?


I have not blogged for literally a month. That is so sad I can't even comprehend. I have an excuse though. I have barely enough time to check my facebook or keep updated on my favorite webcomic, and my other favorite webcomic, let alone write good blogs. I don't want to write stupid blogs like this anymore! I want good ones like this.

Today, No I want normal ink!

Today, I got mad and then felt better in record time. Fifteen seconds in the least. I just goes to show, when you get frustrated, beat the living crap out of a empty plastic cheeseball container. It instanly takes your troubles away, and gets you out of breath if you haven't gone to wrestling practice since before thanksgiving break because you have ringworm.

Oh... I just remembered that we were going to clean it out and put fish in there...

Look at my title. Now look at me. Look back at my title. Look back at me. Does this line from a very bad Christmas song seem to make me happy? Yes? You're wrong. The Christmas season is a time I generally love, but not because of the songs. There are a couple of new songs that I heard this year that I haven't heard before, and they all seem to be sung by Harry Connick Jr. Apparently he just went on a Christmas song rampage, putting out two or three an hour. Seriously SO many Christmas songs on the radio are sung by him.

I do like a few, like this one, and a few others, but for the most part, they are just way too overplayed. My least favorite is the one in the title. I don't know what it's called, and quite frankly, I don't care to know.

Where did that phrase come from? 'And quite frankly' is one of the weirdest actually used phrases I can think of. Help? Or don't, it's your decision.

Do you know what I really hate? When people have their headphone volume up so high you can hear their rap music from across the library computer room.

Do you know what I really hate? You don't? I just told you though.

Has this ever happened to you? I was looking at your facebook homepage, and then I saw a status update by I person I had never heard of before, and I certainly don't remembered accepting a friend request for. It's a strange feeling.

*Remove friend

Yesterday, I saw the newest Star Trek movie FINALLY. I have never seen the any star trek, but the movie made me want to. THAT MEANS IT WAS GOOD.

I am late for supper, so I have to go. FFFpppbbbtttt....
                                                       ^Airplane noise^