Thursday, January 13, 2011

And may all... your... January 13ths... be white...

If I told you I am sitting here sipping brown sugar and milk coffee out of my own personal plastic mug while I write, you may be overcome with jealousy. That is O.K., let your feelings out, and the next time they have oatmeal in the cafeteria, steal the bowl of brown sugar and try it yourself. It's QUITE DELICIOUS!

Ooooh, my mother just informed me that there is still two chicken legs in the refrigerator from supper yesterday. I will eat those for lunch!

Two days ago, It snowed pretty good. When I thought it was about done, I went around my block asking people if I could shovel their sidewalks for money. Most of the people said that, "No thanks, my husband LOVES to shovel snow, and he will do it when he gets home from work later."

Pshhh, come on. We all know that no human being loves to shovel snow, that's crazy talk. That's when I would mention that, "Oh. Well, it would have only cost five dollars... So..."

So then the ladies would say, "Well... My husband IS staying in late today, so I guess you can do it."

Bingo! See, the logic behind this is, the less they have to pay, the more they are willing to let me shovel for them. Since the houses around my house have really small sidewalks, I shovel in ten minutes flat, and move on to the next house. Charging each house less, but getting more houses pays better than getting only a few houses for a lot. Here's another plus; for some reason, no one in my neighborhood wants their driveway shoveled, only their sidewalk. Maybe its because they don't want me to stare in their windows or to, God forbid, see their backyard! I don't know the real reason, but it sure makes my job easier. 

In total yesterday I made $36 (Once, I got a tip of one dollar because I brushed snow off of a garden gnome. How could I not? I love gnomes!)! And guess what? It should snow again soon! 

In the blog two days ago, I told you about me thinking of getting a job at rite aid. Well two days ago, I decided to go and actually get a job application. I got permission from my father, and then set off. On the way there, I walked past two people! HOW EXCITING!

When  I got there, I noticed that the manager guy who likes me was there. Perfect! I walked over to the 99 cent two liters, grabbed a root beer, and headed bravely over to the counter. I bought the root beer, using my rite aid wellness+ card (entitles me to 10% off everything in  the store, and grants me one point for every dollar I spend. If I get 1000 points, I get 20% off everything in the store! COOL HUH?).

I then straight up asked him if he had any job applications. He said yes, he did, and he he said it with a smile on his face. I was super excited, but then, he asked me how old I was. 

"I'm sixteen", I respectfully replied.

"Oh, man that is such a shame, you have to be eighteen to work here, since we sell cigarettes and booze. That's such a shame too because I would have hired you in a minute."

I left the store disappointed, because I couldn't get a job there (Until I was eighteen at least, stay tuned), but happy, because he said he would have hired me. 

Yes mother, I will take out the garbage that consist of two whole cabbages in a plastic bag and nothing else(?). This concludes this heroic narration on Eric's continuous quest to gain U.S. currency. 

Could you tell I used a thesaurus in the last paragraph? It's too much, I know. I promise I wont do it again.

See you next time!

P.S. I think I will blog every other day. Hows that?