Thursday, August 19, 2010

Full day. Full to the brim, and more.

Aww, the things I did today spilled OVER the brim onto the floor! That'll stain!!

Today, I woke up, and got straight to work.

My dad has been in the process of making a patio for a while now, and my brother and I have been helping him. A couple weeks ago we dug a huge square hole for it, which took an hour or two. When I say huge, I mean huge. It's huge.

It's also big.

Well yesterday, my dad got a special patio gravel, a type of gravel that has sharp corners so that the rocks faces can lock together. This helps the gravel stay together better. The rocks stick together like a bug on a windshield.

The phrase is the contest winner from a couple days ago (not the fish contest), won by kriegamuffin, though it doesn't work that well here. Btw, if you haven't made an entry to the fish contest yet, go to the previous blog and do that. It ends tomorrow at 11:00 pm. After you finish reading this blog of course.

No wait!! Come back!! You're not done with this one yet!! Ok good. Continue, Eric.


Sorry, my dad is watching a crime show behind me. A woman slapped a police man. Not a cop btw, I hate that word. along with the word polish. *shudder

So today my dad got the gravel, 5000 pounds worth, so my dad, my brother, digger Eric and I shoveled wheelbarrow after wheelbarrow and brought them to the backyard. When there, We shoveled them onto the ground, and spread and evened it out. Then we used a compacter to flatten it down. It's basically a lawnmower, but instead of wheels and a spinning blade of death, it has a powerful vibrating plate on the bottom. This flattens out the gravel and packs it down. This job wasn't as hard as I acted like it was, but for some reason I was extremely sore on my back, and in my chest.

Tomorrow we have to shovel and flatten 1000 pounds of sand, and then we will lay the patio bricks down.

After we were done with the gravel, it was about 12:30, and we went to a party at my brother's classmates house, but his whole class was there, and so were all the parents, and they are all friends too, so it was two parties in one! They had a pool, so we swam for a couple hours, walked a mile to a park barefoot on hot pavement and tiny pebbles (they wore shoes, I didn't), and watched an episode of iCarly and criticized it. that show is really dumb. one of the jokes they told was;

"Here is was the earth looks like.
(*shows picture of earth)
Here is what earth looks like dressed up a little girl!
(*shows picture of earth with a pink dress pasted on)"
(*cue laugh track)

What in the world?!?! That's not even remotely funny!! GAh, what can you do with those little kid shows...

When we got home from the party, It was dark. I got on here and blogged. Full to the brim and overflowing.

What do you guys think of me trying to make money by puttin gads on my blog? Comment NOW! Read the next line though.


That should cover it.