Titles, writing the word titles, Blogging, writing the word blogging, homework, girls, there are many things I'm not good at. It makes me sad.
I'm thinking of starting a youtube channel for a couple reasons.
1. A lot of why I am funny in not all WHAT I say, but HOW I say it. I use lots of voices and faces and I can't fully capture that feeling and "humor" in writing.
2. Once I get to school, I can make funny videos in the dorm with my friends. We already had a couple ideas of what we could do.
3. More people are likely to subscribe to a youtube channel than follow a blog.
4. I dunno.
Ok, so I barely had enough reasons to use the numbers, but I like using the numbers.
Hey, do you like video games?
Do you also like food?
Well check out the Geeky Chef blog! (Don't worry it's not me)
I just discovered the Geeky Chef blog while looking for a recipe for sea-salt ice cream from the kingdom hearts games on Google. I followed him too. He makes things from video games and movies, like butter beer from Harry Potter.
Enough of THAT
So, I am leaving for camp on saturday, and I won't blog until after the 24th. I know this makes none of you sad, just wanted to tell you.
I realize that my blogs are sucking and not funny and al that hubbubbaloo (wow that is a weird word in writing), and thats why I wanna start a youtube channel. If any of you ACTUALLY read my blogs, comment and tell me what you think. PLEASE I BEG YOU.
Ok, so I know I completely forgot to put videos on these last couple blogs, but I have a really good one to show you this time! It has a lot of views, but I found it a couple days ago and it did NOT have that many. It's gained a lot in a few days.
It's really funny, and it even made my dad laugh.
I've gotta go play DS!!! GOODBYE!!! REMEMBER TO COMMENT!!!