Thursday, September 23, 2010

COMIC (Number One)

So here it is, the first comic of who knows how many more. It's something I drew in class one day, and I really like it, so I'm gonna make more. I refuse to name the characters, one, because the square-head guy doesn't deserve one, and two, the Duck guy is too cool for names. What do you think?

And yes, he stabbed his hand through his cheek. He's just awesome.

Don't lick frozen flagpoles. Like, at all.

I want to first tell you that I am participating in a CD exchange, that is, I get a random address, sent them a CD, and another random address sends me one back, and you can too! Click HERE. Heh heh, I've always wanted to say that.

To get to the blog, I might have a date to the dance, for the first time ever. 


Shut up L.E., you can't even go! 

I would have gotten a date though.

What, with your impressive knowledge of anime and internet memes?

I'm going to the library.

Yeah, go. Go read MORE anime.

Now, what I was going to explain before, when I say might, it is basically a 50% percent chance. Not going into any further details. Oh also, the dance is on Saturday.

GAh! Facebook is under construction!
Oh! I wrote a comic, and it's pretty good. I scanned it because I was gonna put it on this blog, but I left my flash drive upstairs, and I don't feel like getting it, so it'll be on a separate blog post. I plan on making more too. Eventually.

I took a nap yesterday. It felt nice. This blog sucks. I'll get you a better one tonight, along with the comic. GARUNTEED. TONIGHT.
GOODNIGH... see you in a few hours.