Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Igloo

 I told you about the igloo my siblings and I made, but never finished, and then melted. Here are pictures from it's melting process. Now that it is completely gone, the snow came back. I guess nature itself did not want us to build this igloo. Anyway, enjoy.

I tried super hard to get them all lined up correctly, but I couldn't do it. They are all there, so just ignore the weird placement. PLEASE JUST IGNORE IT.

I'm not exactly positive what the time intervals between each picture are, but I am pretty sure my mom took one picture every morning, so I think they are about a day apart. 

It's a shame that you couldn't have seen it in it's glory. And also remember we never finished it, we planned on a protruding doorway, and we might have built a snowman on top. We built a snowman on top of our igloo a couple years ago. I have the picture somewhere, if I find it, I'll post it.

I have a normal blog coming soon, but I am a bit busy. I know I was tagged Lex, I'll do that soon. 

Autobots, roll out!