Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Powder Puffins. and Zombies. Heehee...

If you think I’m crazy, you’re absolutely right, I’m insane.

I dunno why I said that. I’m not THAT crazy, I’m just creative, and I show people.

On Sunday, some of the kids in my junior class were decorating our hallway for homecoming week. There is a competition between the classes, but the seniors always win.

I was hungry, so I took a piece of bread my roommate MILLER gave me, and I was on my way to buy chocolate milk from the vending machines to eat it with. I really don’t think so, but apparently dipping bread in milk is weird. I think it’s just very delicious. Bread is not that different from cookies, and we dip those in milk.

Anyway, to get to the vending machine which the milk was, I had to pass through the Junior hallway. There I was, standing amongst crafty people, eating a piece of bread. Then I got an idea. I quick ran upstairs to get Jeremiah, the German student, and Lando also, and I told them my idea. They were as exited as I was, and they ran down with me. We waited outside the hallway for the right moment, and then we ran down. Lando grabbed the masking tape, I ran to the right wall, and Jeremiah farted. A lot. Lando ran with the tape, avoiding the junior girls, because we knew they would hate our idea. We tore off long pieces of tape and… taped the piece of bread to the wall. One Large ‘X’ of tape, straight through the middle of it.

Then the girls saw us. There was a silence. Jeremiah farted again.

They didn’t care, so we made a poster for it, cutting a hole in the middle of a rectangle piece of paper (I know how to spell piece because of the comic “One Piece’, link in the side in “Websites that I follow”), and drawing a cute piece of toast with boots courtesy of Jeremiah, and the words “The Junior Toast”. It’s really cool so if I get around to it, I’ll post a picture.

NEW TOPIC: I am trying to get a really cool music library, so comment your favorite two songs. Please. And. Thank you.

Here are a couple songs that I am downloading at the moment;

“We’re gonna fight” – 76% Uncertain

“I hate the radio” – 7 seconds

The entire ‘Stepdad’ Album, downloadable for free here.

“Mine’s not the high horse” – The Shins

And also, “Blitzkrieg bop” - some one awesome (not the real band name).

Tonight, since its homecoming week, was powder puff football, in which the junior girls and the senior girls play football. It’s crazy, and the juniors lost 36-8. I know. I KNOW! Krieger, Jeremiah, and I sat on the senior side of the bleachers and cheered for the juniors. It made them pretty mad.  Also, Krieger and I fought with the blocking pads before the game, bashing them like shields.  

I think I want to but a video camera, and record some things happening, and put them on YouTube. That would be pretty cool I think. It won’t happen for a while though.  In case you don’t know, my crappy three soon to be one video YouTube channel is ‘CamelFruit’.

I don’t feel like typing anymore so, possibly a shark hunting-dream filled night.

In case you are new (Isaac), and you have a Google email (Isaac, use the school one if you don’t Isaac), you can follow me, and it will send you emails when I UPDATE! Yeah. Cool. Punk.