Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Who invented doors? They are such a clever device. The house would be completely sealed, if not for this hole in the wall, covered perfectly by a flap that can be opened and closed easily. This is quite strange to think about, as many things are. I love 'over-thinking' things, and thinking of them as what they really are. Doors, as I said, is one of many items that can thought of this way. A can or bottle of pop, milk of water, is another. It is a sealed container full of liquid. People go to the store and spend money to buy these containers of liquid so that they can pour them into their bodies never to see the liquids again. See what I mean by over-thinking things? Other things that can be over thought are guns, swimming pools, books, windows, and MANY more. Try and over think some things yourself. It can be quite fun.

Last weekend, I stayed in the dorm of my old school again. I brought my flash drive, where I had put a couple funny Youtube videos to show my friends. It's something I did when I went there, and I will continue to do it, no matter what, so there. Everyone crowded around the computer screen, and watched them. It was cool. Among the videos, was this.

Among this were this guys five other videos. We all loved the videos, and I don't know if anyone else felt this, but after watching them, Krieger and I felt like cooking something violently. We decided to go to the store and see what we could find. While there, Krieger decided he didn't want to cook anything. So we just got Jello, because It was close enough and all you need is water. When we went to check out, I saw that the same cashier that called me Justin Bieber last time was there. Remember him? He recognized me, and said I was Justin Bieber again.

Later, Jeremiah and I went back, and got what I wanted to buy before, a box of spaghetti noodles. He was still there, and he called mi Justin AGAIN. Both times the customer he was serving whipped their heads around, and then looked back in half-disappointed. 

I ended up not regretting buying the noodles one bit, I added them to my ramen, and they actually added flavor.

So THIS weekend, at my old school, is the Valentines Dance. And I have a date.