Tuesday, January 25, 2011


One story I forgot to tell you yesterday, is when I went to the store to buy ramen. I actually didn't go there specifically to buy ramen, but-

Ok, seriously? Google chrome does not acknowledge 'ramen' as being a word?!. This IS a word, isn't it?

Jeremiah and I were outside playing in da snow, and he decided to go to the store, so I decided to go with him, and I also decided to buy ramen while I was there. I decided that I needed it, and then I decided that since I needed it I should buy it. I decided.

When I went up to the counter to buy my ramen, the clerk at the time, a super buff Indian man, said to me, "Oh hey Justin!" And he even tossed in a little wave.

I was confused. My name is not Justin you know. So I told him, "No, sorry my name is Eric." Still thinking he had me confused for another shopper. Notice I didn't scream something like, "I am not a girl and how can you be so rude." That is because I am a nice person. And because I AM a girl. 




I am not.

Without looking up from his work (What a hard disciplined man! He has LOTS of discipline!),  the other clerk said, "Yeah, he looks JUST like that Justin Bieber kid." I kinda chuckled to make him happy, and then waited for Jeremiah to buy his stuff. 

As we were leaving, the first guy yelled, "See ya Justin!" At the time, there was a teenage girl standing in line not too far away, and she whipped her head around to get a look at the boy of her dreams. Instead she saw me. She said, "Awww... He doesn't look ANYTHING like Justin Bieber!" And she's right. Maybe I have long swoopy hair, but it's blonde, and my face looks nothing like him. I am pretty sure that I can never go into that store without him calling me Justin again though. 

Me making a dumb face

Justin making a dumb face

See? NOTHING ALIKE. This isn't the first person that compared me to him either! One lady at my church told my parents, while I was standing RIGHT THERE, that "I can't get over how much he looks like that Justin Bieber kid!" I don't see it. 

It is kind of cool that some people think I look like someone who is so popular, even if it is Justin Bieber. I dunno, is that a bad thing?

Soon I plan on applying for a job at Meijers, a large branch store. I'm not sure if they are in every state, so I guess all I can say is that it is a very large branch. I am really excited about this, because it'd be my first job, and why wouldn't I be excited about that?

I had more things planned for today but I can't remember them at all. It's getting kinda late too, so here's a tune to listen to as you lie in bed trying to sleep. It will not help you. It will make you want to dance!

Didja dance? I certainly did. I DANCED ALL NIGHT LONG.

Also, Library Eric will not be here for a while, because I realized, with the help of Lex's comment, that he doesn't have to stay in this jerk state. He CAN change. That's why I sent him to a school that I found on the internet that can help him do that. Hopefully in a couple weeks he will return home and better and less annoying guy! If not, at least I have this time away from him. Wish him luck!

(I can't tell you which school because it, like him, doesn't exist.)

Au revoir, moi. 

Godzilla mayhem.

Here is something that my little sister and I wrote on a car trip a long time ago because we were bored. It doesn't really have any meaning, but I want to post it anyway. This is NOT the blog for today, OK?

We wrote this like this; one person would write a sentence, and then the other person had to write a small paragraph continuing the same idea, and then we would switch. I'll underline the first person's sentence. I will warn you, this is very strange, so if you don't like things that are really weird and don't mean anything, THIS IS NOT THE BLOG FOR YOU. The grammar might also be horribe, but I will write it exactly how it was written.

It was a dark and stormy night! When I looked out my bedroom window to see that- WOAH! It's a godzilla! And he's eating the mailbox! Mail is going everywhere, and it's going in the pool, where the spaceduck is swimming! Oh no! Godzilla noticed the spaceduck- GULP- there it goes.

The little boy stood up, grabbed the handle on his goop-filled wagon, and went on his way, Then he notices there is something in the goop! AHH!!! It's godzilla from last night! He burps out a million ducks from other kids. HE'S A DUCK THIEF!!!!

All ducks explode instead of dying! That's what the poster said. That is one weird poster. All of a sudden, godzilla exploded out of the poster. How did he do that? He, he, AHHHH he has a purple birthday hat!!!!

The upon the peaceful night, burst a flood of heavenly light, it was godzilla! Everyone rushed to grab the last of the doughnuts, the box of toothpicks from the cheese station, the silly string from the clown, and the rope made of celery. First, they cut up the doughnuts into little squares and stuck them with toothpicks, but they made the toothpicks hidden. Then the set a trap with the celery rope, and baited the trap with the toothpick doughnuts. Pretty soon, godzilla came into the room (he was in the bathroom), and bolted straight for the doughnuts, not seeing the trap of course. He quickly dug in. Then, he bit a toothpick, and he screamed with pain, rolling on the the ground in pure agony. Then then trap was set off, and the children ruched out and sprayed him with silly spray to humiliate him. "Your duck stealin' days are over" the sheriff announced.

That's the end. Now that I think about it, I kinda feel bad for the godzilla in the end. I don't think he really knew that stealing ducks was bad, and he can't help destroying things if he is that big. I dunno, what do you think?