Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The bowl takes the worst abuse.

Ooooooh man/women, I am exhausted. I don't know where all of you live, but if you live in the Middle-East, you know what kind of snow I am going through. Even if you don't live here, you probably know. Apparently we are going through the biggest storm in this nation's history. This pretty much sums it up:

That's not my dog, even though mine looks exactly like that.

So where there's snow, there's shoveling jobs. For some reason though, I never went out to do any, until about 8:00, when someone actually called me to go do it. I had shoveled for them before, and they knew my phone number from that.

So I put on my coat n' stuff, and I grabbed my shovel, and I walked over to the ladies house. She wasn't there, because the house was a house that she was trying to sell, and she lived elsewhere, so she was planning  on paying me at a later time (I trust her). When I got there however, I saw it. Someone had "generously" snow blown the entire side of the block. Whoever did that, I hate you.

Now what would I do? Do I pretend that I did it and just leave? It certainly crossed my mind. Then I realized the driveway was still covered in snow. Only when it is covered in 12 inch deep snow, waiting to be shoveled, do you truly notice how big a driveway can be. Did I mention that the snow is a whole foot deep? To make a long story short, that was the most exhausting thing I have done in a long time.

It is time for me to talk about something that has been bothering me. Do you remember when saying 'Epic' was cool? If someone said, "Dude, that was so epic!" You knew that whatever that dude did was pure awesome? Well it's not anymore. Or at least in my opinion, it is not a "cool" word anymore. But now, exactly when people stopped saying it, the media started "spamming" it almost. I cannot go one day without hearing it in a commercial, or seeing in a magazine article. I don't know if this is your opinion, but if it was up to me, I want the media to STOP USING THE WORD EPIC!

Remember how I mentioned my crochet learning? LOOKIT WUT I MAED!

I am so excited about it! Because now I know how to make the neck tie, it's just a matter of doing it.

Ooooh! Today I got my PS2 to work again! It was broken, and that made me sad, because I have spent many hours playing that PS2. About a week ago, I took it apart, and looked on the internet for ways to fix it, and all that came up were some really complicated things. I can say that I am moderately good at fixing things, and my brother is even better, but I wasn't ready to do any of those things. Today, I looked at it, dusted out the inside like crazy, and cleaned off the lens that reads the disks with a Q-tip. I screwed it back together, and it worked! I was so happy, and when I get done with this I am going straight downstairs into my room to play Spiderman 1.

Btw, Q-tips are NOT meant for cleaning ears.

Oh, and that counter on the WAAAAAAAAAAAY bottom does not count how many individual people view this blog, but instead how many times the page has been viewed.