Sunday, October 3, 2010

Group effort translated.

Ok, I have a lot to talk about, but I don't feel like spending half an hour typing while I'm at Krieger's house with Jeremiah.  Hence, you get stuff like 'Group effort x2" and this. Remember when I took a blog I wrote and translated it to a different language and back? Click here if you don't. Since Group effort is crazy, then why not make it crazier? Plus, what else am I gonna do, talk about stuff? Psh...

I'm gonna translate 'group effort x2' into a language and back, then post that. You can read them all and see how they gradually get worse. Here ya go!

First, to German and back.

"I always have to poop when I turn the toilet. Do not get excited. It comes about every hour. It hurts, my behind. Apples apply pressure for days. You're crazy. YOU'RE weird. Cards can not be angry if they are evil. Each time you use the option box, you see a vast area, and that can be irritating. However, you can make your cat not be thrown very high, unless the cat can not fly down. Her face looks across the field and sees a huge field. Your bike is unnerved. This can not stop wearing, especially unnerved the bike of your cat. I climbed the first thing I saw, and it was a large gray piece, a piece of a rock. I luff climbing large nipples, because it is so fun. There are some red cars climb your house cat. Your happiness is the domestic cat, the red mountain climbing cars. Sometimes at night, sometimes day, I wall jump in the neck. The middle. I hug them. Holidays are sometimes sandy and sometimes jumps up into the sky great civilization which is kissable. This may not be repeated.


Not SO different, but this will be. Swahili.

"I always have when I turn the toilet stool. Not getting excited. The time each hour. It hurts, my back. Apples to apply pressure for a day. You are insane. You're weird. The card can not be angry if it is bad. Each time you use the box option, you can see a big part, and that can be irritating. However, you can make your cat not to cast too, but cats can not jump down. His face appears in the field and sees a big field. Your bike is silent. This could stop wearing, especially unnerved the cycling of your cats. I climbed the first thing I saw, and it was a big gray piece, a piece of rock. I luff nipples growing larger, because it is so fun. There are some red cars climb your house cat.Your happiness is inside cats, red hill climb cars. Sometimes at night, sometimes days, I jump the wall of the neck. Center. I hug them. Holidays are sometimes sandy and sometimes flying in the sky great civilization which is passable. This may be frequent. END."

Pretty weird huh? Urdu, which Is a language I have never even heard of. Have you? Nope. You haven't.

"I always turn when I toilet stool. Is not encouraged. Time every hour. It hurts, my back. Apple for a day to apply pressure. You're crazy. You are very strange. This card is not angry bad can it be. Box each time you choose, you saw a big part, and they can be upset. However, your cat not to put in, but cats can not jump down. Her face appears in the region and sees a large field. Your bike is silent. Stop wearing it, especially cycling of your cats can unnerved. I first saw that I uploaded, and a big brown piece, was a piece of stone. I luff nipples growing, because it's funny. Vehicles a red cat climb your home. Your cats happiness, red hill climb inside cars. Sometimes at night, sometimes during the day, I jump the wall of the neck. Center. I hug them. Holidays sometimes sandy and sometimes the sky is passable in a great civilization which are flying. It often can be.


For the fourth and last one, Traditional Chinese.

I'm always in my toilet stool. Not encouraged. Every hour of time. It hurt my back. Apple day pressure. You're crazy. You are very strange. This card is not bad can not be angry. Box, each time you choose, you see an important part, they can be broken. However, your cat is not implemented, but the cat can not jump. Her face appeared in the area, saw a large area. Your bike is silent. Stop wearing it, especially riding a bike your cat can feel uneasy. The first time I see my uploaded, and a big brown one, a piece of stone. I Loew nipple growth, because it is very interesting. The cat climbed up the red car to your home. Well-being of your cat, Red Hill climbed into the car. Sometimes at night, sometimes during the day, I jump the wall of the neck. Center. Embrace them. Sandy and holidays, and sometimes justify, and sometimes the sky of a great civilization, in the fly. It often.

End. .

It's REALLY weird, but we three could not stop laughing, until we finished reading it. Tell me how you think about it! PLEASE I LOVE COMMENTS. Moderately. Naw,  a lot.


Oh yeah, I'm writing this on an iMac. Exciting, huh?