Tuesday, January 11, 2011

What's been going on?

A lot of things have happened since I last blogged. Maybe more has happened to me than to you, or maybe you've got me beat because you are a busy bee (Click here if so), but to me, a lot of things have happened.

I was just thinking about what I just said, and I take it back. I have not had MANY thing happen to me, but the things that did happen were a bit bigger than normal, so it gave me the impression that lot's of things happened. It's like an optical illusion. 

Wait, no. Optical means having to do with the eye, an optical illusion only involves VISUAL illusions. This was an illusion of the mind, so it would be... a... cranial illusion? Yeah... I like that. 

"C'mon Eric, let's get to the subject here."

"No, Library Eric, I will not stop myself from trailing off into other things than what I mean to talk about."

"Wha-- Why not?"

"Because one, I come up with cool things like the phrase "Cranial Illusion", and two, It adds length to the blog. Besides, it makes it more interesting."

"Whatever, I'm just going to go over here in the corner and play with your ds." 

"Wha-- HEY! So It was YOU that saved over my file in Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box! There was two other empty spaces where you could have saved! I had to start all over from the beginning!  Don't you just walk out of the room!" 

Bah, he's gone. We seriously need to do something about that punk.

The homeless man I found by the street and then hired to announce various things for me says with his Golden voice, "We now return to our feature presentation." 

Oh man! You really should be in the radio business man! Your voice is SO GOLDEN!

Now, you all know that before Christmas break, I went to a dorm school. I had talked about things I did in the dorm, the library there was where Library Eric spent most of his time (not to mention the time he spent uninvited in MY room), and all my friends live there. Now, for whatever reason you want to believe (Go ahead, be creative), I am not going there anymore. 

What school am I going to now? Great question! Now, I am technically "Home schooled". Don't think of it as something you should feel bad for me for though. This is most certainly a good thing. 

Reasons this is a good thing:

  • Now that I am home all week, and I don't have study halls and I don't have to go to the computer lab to do it, I can blog much easier now. I can spend more time on each blog, and I can blog more often. 
  • Being in the dorm all week, I was only home for two days out of the seven, so getting a job would have been impossible. Now, not only am I home all week, I can work during school hours, and take my classes earlier or later in the day. This is a huge advantage.
  • There are times where I can actually read a book. In the dorm, I would always be hanging out with my friends, and I would never read. I love to read books, so this is great!
  • Each state has a list of required classes that a student must take in order to graduate. I don't know if it's true of ALL schools, but the one I went to taught much more than that. I am not going to be taught any more classes than I need to, and obviously, that's pretty cool.
  • My school made me take piano lessons. I would have 45 minute practices everyday, in which I sat in a room only a little bigger than the piano and the bench, in a hallway lined with dozens of such rooms, and practice my songs. Guess what I don't have to do now? 

Reasons this is a bad thing:

  • I can read books now, but my dad is making me read to kill a mocking bird. Truthfully, it is a really good interesting book, and I recommend it, but it's just not as interesting as other books I like to read. 
  • Being in a dorm all week CAN limit me from doing things like blogging and getting a job, but it is REALLY fun to be around you friends every day of the week, morning until night. (Don't tell, but it's also really cool that there are only a few adult supervisors, and no parents)
  • Where do you see your friends the most? In class. Now that I am not actually going to a school with other kids, I won't be seeing kids my age nearly as much. I will see some at church on Sunday, and I will have friends over on the weekends, but it's still sad to leave my friends behind like that.
  • Library Eric lives in my hall closet now, and that's pretty close to my room.
So, over all, yes, I am pretty happy with this change. 

I mentioned the fact the I can get a job now. There is a small Rite-Aid near my house, and I might try and get a job there. The manager there is a really nice guy, and whenever I go in there, we have talked for a few minutes. It's happened often enough that he recognizes me and comes to greet me whenever I go in there, so that's something going for me. I have always wanted to get a first name basis with some storekeeper, like they do in the movies sometimes, and now, I kind of am. Except that he doesn't know my first name, and I haven't remembered to look at his name tag, so we're not really. 

Speaking of remembering, I just remembered to shovel the driveway. 

See ya! It was nice talking at you!

"Goodbye for now!"

P.s. My mom also got me into a home school kids choir! I had to audition and everything. Besides the fact that I was put as a tenor (I am obviously a bass), It's pretty cool. It's a whole new group of friends.