Saturday, July 31, 2010


It's bad quality, It was made with Windows Movie Maker, and It is cheezy, but here it is.



The evil Puppigator.

So apparently my brother doesn't care if I film anything with his camera, as long as he is the camera man. I still get to choose the camera angles n' stuff. KEWL!!!

Knowing that, we filmed a video today, but I probably won't upload it to Youtube until tomorrow, because the editing will take me forever not eve editing before and because I'm using the cheap-and-plastic Windows Movie Maker. 

Just as a reminder, it will be uploaded to the channel CamelFruit. Here's a link.

The video is about me jumping over things with my rollerblades. I know it sounds kinda boring, but in my opinion, it's worth watching and a pretty good first video.

YUCK my dog farted! ACK It's unbearable!

Today was my second drive ever for Drivers Education. I don't know if I have ever mentioned me being in Drivers Ed, but I have for sure now. Anyway, I think I'm a good driver, but I Haven't seen anyone else on their second drive ever, so I don't know what to compare it to.

Gah there's that creepy jazz music again.

I need to go and edit that video. There is a chance that it would be uploaded today, but I dunno.

'm srry

I truly am srry that I never blogged two days ago, or even yesterday. Lemme tell you why.

Two days ago, the day I was supposed to blog, it was about 9:30, and I was in my room using my computer, and I felt tired. I decided, hey, It's only 9:30, I can quick sleep for an hour, then keep reading this comic I was reading, then blog, then go to bed.

Of course, it didn't work that way, and I slept the while night.

Why didn't I blog yesterday then. I DIDN'T WANT TO.

Y'know, you TWO total actual readers out of the twelve people that followed me so far (heh I say so a far as if i'm getting more) are probably thinking, ERIC YOU ARE SO LAZY. YOU NEVER FEEL LIKE BLOGGING. YOU ARE SO STUPID AND LAZY AND I HATE YOU.

Hey, ok, if you  think it is so easy, go start a blog yourself and write in it every single day. IT'S  HARD.

Really, a very well written blog for me takes about half an hour, or 1/48th of the day. That's a lot! I have things to do like...

So that's not really helping me prove the point, but whatever. I know you  guys hate my excuses,  so i'll stop.

I have a youtube channel now, It's called "CamelFruit". Go ahead, check it out. It exists. There are no new videos though. The reason is that I don't  have a camera. My brother does, but if you have a brother/sister  you know how THAT goes...

I might not post any videos until the school year, because miller has a good  camera that we possibly could use. I already have several ideas for sweet videos. 

If I even make/post one, I will tell you all about it. (Elmo's World reference that no one gets.)

So my mom got her CD stereo fixed. This means ABSOLUTELY nothing to you, but  to me it means hearing jazz saxophones and trumpets for countless hours through ceiling of my basement room. GAH! I cannot concentrate!!

OK, I'm sorry for getting so far behind, I promise I will blog more often now.