Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I have to do what?!?!

I'm going to make this quick because I have to do my brief do-it-while-you-are-sleeping assignment in Algebra 2. You all know how math assignments are on the first couple days of school. Patterns... Word problems... Stealing candy from a baby... You know, the really easy stuff.

Today in American History, the class I hate the worst, and the class with the teacher that gives hard assignments, I had a strange assignment. Yes, this is what the title refers to. On the website that the teachers post our assignments and copies of worksheets and funky junk like that, my American History teacher created... A forum. A FORUM. Guess what the assignment was? To read the first chapter in the book and comment in the forum about it. Also, we had to comment on a comment from another user. That is what the assignment was. Of course, that's the assignment I went to straight after school, and I made a funny in it. You may not get this, but I started it out, "What's happenin' Forum?"

HAHAHAHAHAHA. If you get that, it's in-the-middle funny.

Today, I went to KFC. The KFC is right by the Goodwill that we spent three point five hours walking to and back from. Even in the car, Miller, the roommate of mine who drove me, said that it was a long way to drive for fast food.


My legs are still kinda sore.

Awesomenight. Time to sleep (Do Algebra).