Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I'm melting!

For the past couple days my brother, sister, and I have been working on an igloo in the front yard. We have only worked a little per day, so it's not completed yet. Plus the way we go by building the thing is a tiring technique.

We fill 5 gallon buckets with snow, and pack it, so that they stay in one piece. Then we cut them in half, to make two cake shaped bricks. We stack the bricks on the igloo, and then use extra snow to fill the cracks and smooth out the igloo. It was going fine until we got to the roof. The bricks are just not strong enough to stay. They fall and smash on the ground. We are trying a different technique for the roof. We put a board on the walls, where the roof is going, and we are building the roof on top of it. Then once the snow roof hardens enough, we plan on taking the board out.

So far, the igloo looks really cool, and I really hope we finish it. But now the snow is going away, and the igloo is slowly melting in it's three-fourths-finished state. It's sad. IF we finish it, I'll post a picture. If not, it'll just be embarrassing!

Other than that igloo problem, I welcome the incoming warm weather with a warm hand shake. The roads are dried up enough that roller blading and skateboarding are possible, and I will do that one of these days. I plan on inviting Jeremiah over for one weekend soon, and we will definitely be doing it then.

I really don't have much to day today, so I shove away Valentines day with this video.
