Tuesday, May 24, 2011

A plastic bag got stuck on the front of our van while we were
driving. I tried to stick my camera out the window to
get a better picture, but my mom didn't like that.
Rolo (My Dog, the brown one),  and this dog converse
through the fence everytime we go to the park. I always try to
pet the dog, but he/she always runs away. So sad.

There were SO many grey dandelions at the park. (If you look
closely, you can see Rolo pooping in the background.)
More dandelions.
On Saturday I went to my brother and sister's softball game.
I spent most of my time playing with the younger children. They
know how to have fun. I pushed them on this merry-go-round
(Because when it gos round you are merry, I guess.) 

There was a sandbox, and it had rained the day before.
We could dig really deep holes, and then they would fill 
up with water and the sides would fall in and they become
only about two inches deep, when they started being as 
long as my arm. It took a while to wash the sand off my
arms and legs, because there wasn't an outdoor hose, so 
I had to wash in the bathroom sink. Washing my arms were
fine, but washing my feet and knees in the bathroom sink
was pretty weird.

Here's another hole, with the green plastic things the little kids
insisted on using for a shovel, even though they were terrible
shovels, and it was much easier AND faster to use you hands.
Here's a big pile of sticks.
Here's a huge pile of sticks.
It was very muddy that day, and almost everyone took their
shoes off.
They had these there! They are not as fun now since I am too
big for them. Major dissapointment.
I found my old Lord of the Rings puzzle!

There are a few pieces missing...
It's a double sided puzzle, and this is what is on the other side.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

I will be back soon!

I think I've been away from this blog longer than anyone has ever been away from a blog in the history of the world. I mean SERIOUSLY. It's been, um... 



I've been away since April 28th, but that blog really doesn't count, due to it being completely and utterly stupid. So really, it has been since March. March 10th to be exactly exact.

When you count, that's actually only about two months. That not SO bad I guess...

(Yes it is. It's very bad.)

Basically, I want to start blogging again. This time around however, it'll be a bit different. There will still be the occasional text only blogs, but for the most part, they will be mostly pictures with commentary. This may sound absolutely horrific(And it very well may be!), but I hope  It will be interesting. If not, then I will change it to make it interesting.

See, my brother got a new camera. It's a quite nice one really, and I can't believe it was so cheap. It was around 66% off. It has a nice touch screen.

Anyway, since his new camera is much nicer than his old one, he is selling the old one to me for pretty cheap. 35$ to be exactly exact. 

I've only had one camera before, and it wasn't even my own. Me and my brother saved up when we were a bit younger, and we put our money together and got this cheap 60 or 70 dollar camera. We had that camera for a while, and then one day it just wouldn't turn on. I don't remember exactly why, but I remember that for some reason we were not too upset about it. I know that nowadays I would mad, and I would try and figure out what was wrong with it. No, we just took it apart, not thinking at all of how long it took us to save up for it. 

The inside of my nose itches a lot today, and when I scratch it, it looks like I am picking my nose. I AM NOT! I AM ONLY SCRATCHING!

So, I am going to bring my new camera around everywhere, and take lots of pictures. 

See you soon!