Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Contest Complete!

Now, I am not in study hall where I have to write a blog as fast as I can so that I can do my homework, so this should be a bit better. I am sorry I haven't blogged recently, but Junior year is definitely harder than sophomore year, but you don't want to here that.

First, I am going to name the winner of the dumb little contest that was apparently done a VERY long time ago, and that was to name the blue fish. Aren't you relieved? Eric is FINALLY doing this!!

Yes, and I'm sorry.

Drum roll... (just imagine the drum roll in your head.)

And the winner is...

Lex, with the winning name of "Twinket"!! Congratulations! You win... nothing.

In this contest, I was looking for names that would show Twinket's happiness. It took me a while to think of the word, I almost said bright personality, but those two words put together make me shiver. Hey that rhymes. Together, shiver...

Eric, that does NOT rhyme.


I hate library Eric. So I punch him. Violence solves everything when dealing with your own counterparts.


Then I drink some delicious fruity punch to celebrate my victory... Over myself.

My favorite class this year, so far anyway (my dad says I'll hate it later, but I dunno), is Chemistry. The teacher is Hilarious and he actually understands us as students unlike half my other teachers, I so far like the chemistry part, and It's comfortable temperature in there. The temperature is half the battle.
I brought up this class because the teacher of the class has two gerbils. He keeps them in his classroom, and they don't stink. He says they are desert animals, so they rarely urinate, and their poop is dry, so they barely stink their cage. Seeing these gerbils everyday, it has caused me to consider getting two gerbils also, and keeping them in my dorm room. Sounds like fun eh? I'll let you know about anything if anything happens.
I have writers block today, so it'll end here.
Ai de mi!!


  1. I really hope Twinket likes his name.

  2. Oh he does. We had a long talk and he said that it was the name he was hoping for.
