Sunday, September 19, 2010

Gaggaflabblingtonson! I've been tagged!

I... Am so exited, and I was not expecting this at all, but Lex from LEXical Sematics tagged me, and it made me happy! I know what this means lex, you like my blog, and theres no lying about it. Thank you so much for this!

I just made a blog, and I have nothing to say, so I'm just going to get this started.

1) Sometimes I feel like I'm the craziest person person in the world...So you have to tell me something that makes you a little insane so I can feel better about myself.

Okay no, I'm kidding, but you still have to answer it :D

Have you ever read my blog? When I get crazy the same time I'm at the computer, it goes like this. I think I am the craziest person in my class, and I'm proud of it. The last couple days after school, I have been playing like a child with Krieger, "pretending." Y'know, like in Calvin and Hobbes.

Another thing was something I did only once, but I would do it again, if I hadn't got in so much trouble the first time. Once, I put on my biggest shirt and my super-stretchy pajama pants, and then I stole my friends blankets, and rammed 'em all in my clothing. I had stolen so many blankets, I needed someone to help me jam them all in. I was over three times my size, and when I fell, I needed help getting up. I then proceded to quickly waddle throughout the dorm, followed by a large crowd of screaming monkeys. Ehem, sorry, my friends. I get them confused.

I eventually rammed a senior that no one really likes into the wall with my blanket-belly. He tried punching me, but he missed because I had fallen flat on the ground.

2) Would you rather kiss Voldemort or Susan Boyle?

Well, I am a man, so I would like to lean towards the female, but I don't know...

I think I am going to pick Voldemort, because despite his nasty yellow nails, he for some reason looks really clean to me. He looks as clean as an Asian doctor, and thats not racist because it's a good thing.

Susan Boyle on the other hand... has a beard.

3) What is one impossible thing you wish was possible?

That I could live like Winnie the Pooh, or Wheezywaiter, and that is, live very simple, with enough money to live, and having a job that you love. Or, in Pooh's case, no job.

That really doesn't answer the question, but I cannot think of anything.

4) What type of dinosaur would you be? I want you to research extensively and match yourself up with one that has similar personality traits =P

Research? Aww... Come on Lex!

Probably, I would be a Pteranodon, which is very similar to a Pterodactyl. Like ice cubes in an ocean. Only because They can fly, and I don't like Pterodactyls. At all. I don't know why.

5) If you could move anywhere in the universe, where would you move? (Notice how I say "universe" which means if you would like to reside on Mars, or set up camp in a black hole, that's perfectly fine.)

Hmm... I think I would reside in mars and set up camp in a black hole. Not really, mars is just not for me. Too... alone...

Really, there are a lot of places that I would like to move, but I really don't know where. I would definitely stay on this planet, because I couldn't stand to be away from humanity.

One, I would like to live in a city thats busy, but not New York city. Maybe someplace in Chicago, preferably next door to Wheezywaiter. Craig Benzine.

I want it to be a semi calm place, where I rarely need to use my car because everything is so close to my house. Eric, shut up.

6) Theme song of your life?

I guess I can't think of a better one right now than "I want to bang on the drum all day", except, I don't play the drum. I just want to have fun and not work, and this is often my downfall.

7) Gallbladder or liver?

Well, I've always been a lung person myself,and I also really really love my pancreas, but I don't really like my gallbladder OR my liver. I don't like the idea of Gallstones though, so I'm gonna have to say liver.

I guess I kinda rushed this, but I think its good.
Imma tagging these punks. I... am NOT gangster.

Lex (LEXical Sematics)
Nan (Lifes Long; Live it well)
Krieger (Note to self: Think of Awesome Title)
Krieger's Older Brother (We are a Brutal Kind)
Wheezywaiter (The wheezy waiter)

I know I Didn't tag very many people, and that the last one is very unlikely, but I can hope right? Maybe if you all go to wheezywaiter's blog (click on his name), and comment on the most recent blog that I tagged him and that he should go check it out, he'll check it out. Imagine how cool that would be!

Here are your questions half-lizards.

1) What is one thing you hate about yourself? Phisically, OR other.

2) What is your favorite animal? Why? Is it a cow? Mine is.

3) Copying one of Wheezy's questions to Charlieissocoollike, What is that smell?

4) What's the weirdest thing you've done in public?

5) What is a question you REALLY wish you knew the answer to?

6) What would you do if twelve men came in your house uninvited and sat on your couch, staring at the wall and not saying a word?


Go to wheezy's blog and tell 'im!


  1. Oh my gawsh, I am tagged I feel so special! Those are intersting questions, I will look into them when I get on my computer.

  2. you REALLY like wheezy waiter don't you? lol and good choice on NOT picking susan boyle. *shivers*

    i'll have to answer your questions soon. but keep in mind i have a huge religion test tomorrow, so it may not happen tonight. :[

  3. I understand, tests suck.
    And yeah, I love wheezywaiter.
