Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas vacation!

Christmas is today. I don't have school for many more days. This is great! 

Do even want to KNOW how many episodes of the office I have watched so far?

I was thinking about this break we are in, and I had a thought. The real reason that I look forward to this break so much is not because Christmas is in it, but simply because it is a large break off of school. Sure, Christmas is great, but really, time off school is much more fun. Think about it. You'll find that you totally agree. No matter if you enjoy school or not, it's nice to have a break from it eh?

What am I doing this Christmas break? Well first, I'm watching way too much "The Office." But really, is that such a problem? 

Also, I have traveled to northern Minnesota to visit my Grandparents house. I have talked about their house before, as I recall, but this is December, and that was in July. That is a large difference indeed.

Behind my Grandparents house, there is a large lake.

"Now class, what happens to water when it gets cold? Billy?"

"It boils."

"No, no Billy, water boils when it gets very hot. What happens when it gets cold?"

"...It turns blue?"

The answer Billy was looking for is: IT FREEZES. The large lake behind my Grandparents house completely freezes over. It has become an annual thing for my syblings and I to walk out onto the ice, and create a little ice rink by shoveling snow off a section of ice.

Mostly we play card games all day, and there is nothing wrong with that!

I dunno if you have noticed, but right over in the right sidebar there is a link to my comics blog, which is brand new! I just posted a new comic not too long ago, so you should go check that out!

Oh, and check this out. It's insane.


  1. I’d like you to know that that video made me lose the game. Also you spelled “siblings” wrong.

  2. I knew how to spell it, I was just typing fast... sob sob sob...
