Thursday, December 9, 2010

It is so fun to use a MacBook!

My friend has a MacBook, and I'm using it to type this. You could have easily figured that out from the title huh? Well thanks to this friend, who happens to be from Korea (Not that that's too important), I can type blogs from my dorm room. That is so much more convenient than going to the computer lab, and certainly more than skateboarding to the library, so, I will now blog much more often. I think.

After I wrote the previous blog, I went back to school, where I found my friend Lando in a very frustrated mood. I suggested he use my cheese balls container (No Krieger, not 'Cheese puffs', it's obviously 'Cheese balls'. It says so right on the label.). He kicked it down the hallway, and then continued to chase it down and kick it four or five times. He walked back into the room completely refreshed and happy. I dunno what it is about this Cheese balls container, but I suspect that the extremely loud noise that it makes when you kick it has something to do with it.

I have been writing some quick four panel comics recently, and I am thinking of making another blog connected to this one for all my comics. What do YOU think? Some of them are kind of stupid, but a couple of them made people chuckle.

Remember when I mentioned Psych? The T.V. show I like so much that I liked it on Facebook even though I hate doing that? Well the new season is airing on Wednesday night on USA, you can watch the episodes here! That way you actually know what I'm talking about when I end a blog because of it. 

On my last blog, I complained about the stupidness of most Christmas songs. I am currently making a list of all good Christmas songs, so that you as well as I don't have to suffer anymore. I'll put the playlist on my blog when it's done. If you know of any good Christmas songs that are actually good, please comment! Note: I will only put the song on there if I like the song, so absolutely NO Justin Bieber. Does he even sing Christmas songs? Eh, it really doesn't matter. 

This was short. Just like this ending. 


  1. Ok, I have three things, but I'm not going to number them off like I did last time. I assume you meant to link to a Psych page, but either you forgot or it didn't work. Just to point that out. My second thing is that, yes, you should make a new blog connected to this one for your comics. I appreciate them and I feel that others would too. Lastly, I don't remember what the third thing was. I probably will never remember. I'm sure it was something either really clever or really helpful, or maybe even both, so I'm sorry you won't get to read it.

  2. YES comics. YES macbook. and YES psych. looooooooooove that show.

  3. Haha so do I, we watch it sooooooooooo much.




    Didja notice that I put the same number of o's in sooooooooooo than you did in looooooooooove?

    I'm weird.
