Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Spongeh Bobble!

I used to be really exited to blog, that was last week. That was when I actually DID something in the day. Now I  have to actually think of something to talk about. It's awfully dreadful, but I love it. 

Today, I half learned how to crochet. I realize that it might be thought of as only a girl thing to do, but basically I just want to be able to make cool things that I can wear. I also wish that my mom's sewing machine worked so that I could make things. I just have the strong urge to make something, and some days it drives me crazy. My first project that I plan on going for with crocheting is a black crocheted neck tie. Wouldn't that be cool? I think it is. Plus it would be a perfect tie to add to my collection of non-normal ties. I have a small tie that I wore when I was little, a thin white tie (kind of weird but not THAT wierd), and this tie except in red.

I think a tie crocheted out of yarn would be an awesome addition. (I realize I really don't have that many ties at all, but I plan on having a lot when I'm older. Tie's just aren't a necessity right now.)

I was doing the dishes a minute ago, and I noticed the EXTREME ABUNDANCE of sandwich making utensils. Peanut butter covered knives and spoons were in the mass quantity, and I had to get all the gunky peanut butter off them before I put them in the dish washer. The reason there are more of these than usual is that my mom accidentally bought two jars (Jars? Is it called a jar if it is plastic? What is a plastic container of peanut butter called?) of chunky peanut butter instead of creamy. This is the first time I have had crunchy peanut butter, and lemme just say, if you have not eaten crunchy peanut butter on bread before, go buy some now. I would always scoff at people when told me that crunchy peanut butter was good, and now I know. I am sorry I ever doubted you world. 

Was that even worth writing down? That was weird.

Here's something that made me laugh SO hard. You might want to turn down the volume before you watch it, there's a whole lot of screaming going on.


  1. That is a SWEET tie. haha and I'm impressed of your crocheting. I do not know how.

    hahaha i love little asian children.

  2. That... was the best McDonalds commercial in the history of McDonald's commercials. And crocheting seems hard... but I bet if you try hard enough and stay consistent it will work!
