Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Speeches and Lando's song

I'm writing this in speech class while other people do their speeches. I've already done mine, so I don't have to pay attention. The way we have to do the speeches that we are doing now is interesting. We had to pick two different topics from a list of topics that he thought of while watching T.V. All the topics were really crappy, so no body had a topic that they were fully interested in. Anyway, after you choose two, he 'randomly' chose you another topic (they were actually not random, he just said they were.). So then you had three topics that you had to research and prepare speeches for. But then that day, he held up three note cards with a one, a two, or a three on it. By choosing one of the note cards, you were choosing which speech you were going to give, leaving the other two topics to poop their pants and cry in the corner from not getting picked. The funny thing was, you could easily see the number through the cards, so you could choose which two topics you want to watch clean up large piles of human manure.

Someone just mentioned a cow in one of their speeches, and Lando's brightened up like a little girl who just got the crap beat out of them by a Jonas brother. Because they wouldn't care that they were in average pain (A Jonas brother couldn't hit that hard), because they would be so exited that a Jonas brother touched them.

Back to Lando.

He perked up when they mentioned cows. For some reason, he really likes cows. Why? Why would he like cows? I mean, I like cows as much as the next cotton candy seller, but they are not that special. In History class, we had to pick something that we were learning about, and illustrate it. I drew Gandhi weaving his own clothes. He took the simple detail that one country traded beef, and made it into what he wanted. His drawing was one cow. One single thin pen outline of a cow, with three spots, and the eyes of a kid on a sugar high.

Another thing about Lando that's worth writing about is that he made up a song. Not a cleverly rhyming song with twenty verses, a four line song. I think he made it up in wrestling practice. This is how it goes.


The cat is in the bathtub,

Thanks for the bacon,


Speaking of Lando, he is giving his speech now, and his topic is 'which crimes are felonies'. That kinda shows you how crappy the topics were. Anyway, it made me think, since some states have the death penalty enabled in the options menu, and some don't, why do people still do crimes punishable by death in the states with the death penalty? Why don't they go to the other states and do them there? If it were how it should be, the crime rates would be extremely lower it the states with it enabled. I dunno. It might actually be, and I just don't know. Oh well.

Oh yeah, I got sick of Age of Empires, and it's NOT just because I suck. I just got sick of it. Don't even ask me about it. I won't talk about it.

I forgot to start writing down everybody's funny childhood stories, so I will start that today. I dunno if I will post one tomorrow or not, because I might be too busy working on the childhood story mass blog, but I know for sure that I won't be posting all of next week becaus eof exams. I know this really doesn't matter to anyone, because I have no readers outside of my school, and if I ever do, that week will already be over, and I would have began to post again, but I like to sound like I have a truck load and a half of readers. It makes me feel good.

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