Saturday, June 26, 2010

Air conditioning smell... Mmmm, fresh...

The title should say 'Mmmm flesh...'. IF I  WAS A ZOMBIE... crab.

OK, I know, I haven't written in eighty years, thats why this blog is going to suck. Because I'm 95 years old. I can barely see the keyboard. I hate writing excuses, but I really feel like I'm writing a private diary, because no one ever says anything to me about my blog. I KNOW its mostly my fault, but I'm blaming you.

Seriously, please tell you friends, your family, your pets, the firemen, your neighbors, and the two-year-olds at the local day care. BAsically tell  everyone about my blog, and tell  them I'm awesome.

I'm going to try and get people myself, try and get the word out, advertise, blah blah blah.

Today I decided to ride my bike to Matt's house, by myself, without telling my parents. Matt lives near me, but it is still quite a journey on bike. I've never gone that far even with my parents, so it was pretty cool. The problem was, there is this really long, really hilly road that branches off a lot. His house is on a road that branches off from the hilly one. I got as far as the hilly road, and I went a pretty far way down in, but I either didn't go far enough, or I missed it. Once my surroundings got really suspicious and creepy, I decide to turn around and go back. I haven't  figured out how long of a journey it was, i'll tell you tomorrow, but it was tiring. One, I'm out of shape, its summer. Two, it's summer, it's really hot out, and there were barely any trees on that road. Three, there were really big hills. And four, the bike I took was a wee bit too small, my normal bike had a flat. Basically I was exhausted when I got home.

Do you notice that when the air conditioning is on, the  whole house smells fresher? I love the smell of air conditioning, and I love the smell of my blankets. I'm smelling them right now!

On friday, I am leaving for Minnesota, and during the week and a half after that, the blogs will  be massive,  because I will be in the car and in my Grandparents house for hours with nothing do (my Grandparents take naps everyday, so there's always two hours of "..."), so look forward to that.

Here is the video of the blog. It is something that is that is actually really funny to me for some reason, I could not stop laughing.

And thats it. I know, pathetic, but it'll have to do.

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