Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Blog that is not started with an excuse

I'm not gonna start with an excuse. I'm not gonna start with an excuse. I'm not gonna...

Hiya there! Well first, I have to get a few things straight. I don't know what you guys like in these blogs. Do you like what I did in the first few blogs, when I talked on forever on weird topics and sorta made the funny? Or, do you like when I talk about what I have done that day or whatever. Or maybe both? Do you like them long or   short? I KNOW for a fact that they have not been  as good as they used to be, mainly because I don't want to spend an hour and a half writing like I did in the school during my many pounds of free time, because it's summer. Why would I write that long? Maybe if I was getting paid for this I would. I actually CAN do that too by the way. I know that I would  like it if I wrote more, so I will try to write more, just for you guys.

About the getting paid to blog thing. I know I would love to do that, but with THREE followers, I would get a couple of cents every few who knows how long. Lemme explain how it would work. Basically I would have advertisements on my blog, but I would  only get paid whenever somebody besides me clicks on the advertisement. Of course that means, if I ever DO get ads that you should click on them frequently OK? Just Kidding, I'll honestly probably never get them. 

Why Eric? Why wouldn't you get advertisements? It's free money! Basically because it would involve me telling my parents that I have a blog. I guess they really wouldn't care, but I just haven't told them. I don't know why, so don't ask me. 

I said last time that I was going to put a whole mass pudding of my drawings from sophomore year on here, but instead, I will put the link to the public version of the album on Facebook. I  even tinyurl-ed it for you!

Now, I will tell some of the things that happened today, because humans like knowing about other people's lives. It's OK, so do I.

This morning, I was interrupted in the middle of my dream involving Harry Potter's son and a genetic clone of Voldemort fighting, and I was not happy. It was a good dream! And no, Safari, I did not spell Voldemort wrong. 

Well, I was woken up by my mom, and her motivation to get me out of bed was;

"Come on, We are going to all have a really fun day!"

Of course I was so tired it was as If my brain as well as my entire body was tightly wrapped with felt, and I got up very slowly. I was thinking, what could we possibly do today that you had to get me up at... THAT was when I looked at the clock, which seemed to be grinning. I hate my clock. It evilly spread it's cracked and spaced teeth into a smile that could kill a basilisk, and screechily screamed, "IT'S SEVEN THIRTY BUTTHEAD!"

Awww man, I was not happy that I  had to get up at seven thirty, but I had to. I was really excited though, because she said that we were apparently going to have fun today. Let me tell you what we really did.

Before I explain what we did, I  have to say that we have,  well used to have a big bush that stretched the full width of our house in the front. SEE?

Yes, that actually is my house. I used google maps to get this picture. Clever huh?

Anyway, recently we ripped the bush out, because it is ugly and really sharp and scraggly. Actually, we rented a chainsaw and cut it out. It took about 15 minutes. We then had an empty space of dirt where the bush used to be. This is what we spent all day filling. My brother and my sister and I followed my parents through a hot, humid, muddy, farm, as they decided which plants to get. We then proceeded to plant them in the ground. I guess it wasn't SO bad, since we still got to eat leftover homemade pizza, that I made by the way, and Dominoes pizza for supper. THAT was really exciting, because we haven't ordered a pizza to our house in probably over a year, and I ate six pieces. I guess that wasn't as exciting of a story that I  though in my head, but It was OK, I guess.

I'm going to try to start something now, called video of the day. I might quit after a while, but hey, I DONT CARE. It might be harder to do during school though, but I'll try. 

Today's video of the day is really cool, but also semi funny. It's from the show Britains Got Talent, which if you don't know is exactly like out Americas Got Talent here. Here in America. I'll even Tinyurl this one too!

I am slowly getting more and more money from mowing lawns with my brother, and THATS COOL.

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