Monday, June 14, 2010

The Japenese, Korean, and Russian in me

Ok, I've taken a break, one which I shouldn't have taken. It's O.K. though, because I'm back! Y'know, it is YOUR guys' fault.

WHAT?!?! *whine whine whine whine*

Yes, it's your fault for no reason. No seriously, it's only one-third your fault, because I have literally not a single clue if you are reading this or not. Please, if you ARE reading these, and you were whining so hard just now that your cat slapped you, then shut up! But if you aren't, then number one, shame on you. Number two, how in the world am I talking to you if you don't read this. I dunno.

Yes, yes, I know it's one-third my fault too, I have just plain been too lazy to write. End of story.

But, if your smart, you noticed that that a one-thirds of the blame pie is still on the table surrounded with drooling children. I yank that blame pie out and drop it on the cause, thus, the blame falls on Netflix. Recently my family has gotten the free trial of Netflix and we have sat around watching myth busters and junk ('and junk' is Orie's phrase. I'm using it.).

So there.

Let me go rescue my dog by letting her inside.

Ok. I'm back. Since I don't feel like writing on my crappy laptop keyboard on this crappy,  wobbly table with sharp corners, I give you this. I am going to take one of my blogs and change it by translating it into Japanese then back to English, then to Korean and back to English, then to Russian, then to the final English. It's pretty crazy, and I think the Russian language is  to blame. Enjoy!

Re-read the original first. (Speeches and Lando's song)

Speeches, do different things, I write words for this class. Since I already have, I do not need to pay attention. As she tells us now what I'm doing is interesting. We are all subjects that he was really stupid, you are their themes TV is just interesting thought came to two topics, then select from the list after the body is not fully Sign neoeseo choose a theme and two of his other "random" random fact that you are not another subject (the following three, so your research and prepare speeches, he used to.) Select. But on this day, he's one, two, three, was held on a memory card, or 3. What a voice, the other two items selected from the left, make a poop your pants do not get picked to offer solutions to make note cards. You can select this item is interesting that a simple card, please call the composition, the two men in connection with the massive mountain of human waste can.  

Cows, or Jonas Brothers, and they beat a girl like poop Landau explained that it is bright. They suffer an average (Jonas Brothers, not crashed hard work), and then moved them, because they do not care, Jonas Brothers, well, well ....  

Landau, at the top.  

He explained that they picked up the cattle. For some reason, he really likes cows. Why? Why does he want meat? I really, I'm only selling cotton candy, and a cow, they are not special. In history class we learned how we might prefer, it can be seen. Gandhi drew me to weave their own clothes. It is easier, he has made in one country may think that you have a beef deal. It was a picture of a cow. The cow, pen, lean, high sugar 3 Review sights, and the child's eyes. Landau also the importance of a sentence he wrote the song. 20 section, singing an original four-line rhymed. I think his fight training. Here's how it goes.  

Ring - ding ding, ding  
Cat bath  
Bacon, thanks  
Ring - Copper Dindin '  

Landau speech, he now has a serious crime and a crime, the subject of the speech will. Shows how stupid topic. The death penalty in some States, anyway, because I think that is used in the menu, and some do not, why not abolish the death penalty, death penalty in the state of people still do this crime? Why do not they go to other countries? The crime rate is the state will be much less effective with him. I do not know. This may be true, I do not know. Hm.  

Yes, I have Age of Empires sick, I'm a cigarette. I'm tired. Please ask me about it. I can not tell you about it.  

Today begins an interesting story, so I started writing all the children, I forgot. If I post tomorrow, it's great, too busy blogging from my childhood, I do not know, but you know I am, I am sure, EOF every precaution not to post any review becaus. School is out of my own, it's no problem, really, you know that a week so far I have not, I started to post again, but I'm half of its own trucks to load the same sound. I'm good. So, that was probably my best blog, and I didn't even write it. Whatever.

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