Saturday, June 5, 2010

Don't get your little hopes up.

I have no idea if you guys are reading anymore. It makes me sad.

Well, I have been really busy  these past few days, as I will be tomorrow. On friday, I went to my old school, my grade school, and I was there all day. Friday was their last day of school, and the whole school was going to a water park for the last day of school thingy. I went too, because I don't go to water parks everyday. That would be weird to go everyday. You  would be pretty wrinkly.

It was pretty fun, but the thing that I couldn't help thinking all day was this one sentence; too many little kids, too much skin. Let me explain. This was a grade school party thingy, so there were many little kids. This by itself was not that much of a problem, but the disturbing thing was the swimming suits they were wearing. I'm trying to say this with the least amount of creepiness as possible. It was gross what some of them wore. I'm not going to say anything else.

Today, Saturday, we had four graduation open houses to go to. My parents always talked with the same people for hours each at every party, with us sitting on a chair somewhere for a long time with nothing to do just waiting for them. They were so boring, and they lasted almost all day, and by the end of them all I was so full I slept for ten minutes on the short way home.

Oh wait I almost forgot! This morning my brother and I passed out flyers for our ten dollar mowing service to all the little old men and ladies that our neighborhood is made mostly up of. It was really bothersome because most of them like mowing their lawn. Yah, seriously. A lot of them wouldn't take our flyers because they liked mowing the lawn. Argh, it made me mad.

Don't get your hopes up, but I possibly might have a torn meniscus.

Its 10:30, so I'm gonna go to bed because I have church tomorrow!

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