Wednesday, June 2, 2010

I'm at the Library, bugging guards.

I wasn't going to write a blog today but I felt like doing it because I'm half crazy all for the love of you. Too bad it won't be a very stylish marriage, mostly because I can't afford a carriage.

Right now I am at the Public library because my mom dropped me off here and left. I'm not entirely sure why, but I can still get on computers here so it's fine with me. So anyway, I'm at the library, and there is a guy to the left of me five computers down with hair that goes all the way down to the small of his back, and it is dyed bright blonde. He also has a beard, which is one of the only ways that I could tell that he was a guy. That's not the weird thing though. WH-

He just walked behind me and I had to switch tabs on crappy Firefox which the library has. I like Google chrome. Hmmm. Firefox says that I spelled 'Google' wrong. That's not very nice of them.

The weird thing about this man was that he is wearing short shorts that are so short that you can see his hairy butt cheeks. That's pretty gross, especially since he keeps walking back and forth behind me.

I must look really smudgy to some random person. I have blogger open in one tab, Facebook in a second, and Runescape in another. PLEASE don't ask about the third one, it's summer and I'm really bored.

The girl-man is grumbling at his phone, and the only human word i picked out was 'crap'. I think that's a bad word. He should be kicked out of the library. Haha he'd get his cheeks wet in the rain. NO FIREFOX I DIDN'T SPELL 'HAHA' WRONG.

Yesterday I annoyed someone so much on runescape that they finally gave in and took my five burnt fish from me. For those who don't know burnt fish are worth nothing. It was really entertaining.

What I have ten minutes left? I'll just get another computer.

The girl-man is eating something. Two reasons for him to be kicked out. Three actually, phone speaking , swearing, and eating.
And grossing people out. LOL not really.

WOW. I just saw what he was eating, and it's popcorn. He has a bag of microwave popcorn in his backpack on the table, and he keeps digging his hand in there for almost a full minute and coming out with one piece. If your gonna dig around for that long, at least pull out a handful or something. Maybe he should pour the whole bag on his lap.

There is an adult on the age 13-17 computers. I'm gonna tell.


Hmmm. The security guard doesn't care. Sigh...

I'm gonna end this, because it's starting to get really boring and stupid.

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