Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Good Grief. Haha I love that... saying? I dunno what you would call that. An exclamation? A scream out word? Wow Eric, that was pretty stupid.

Well, I am sorry that yesterdays blog was pretty crappy, and probably this one will be too. I'll try as hard as I can I promise!

Eventually I will post a blog that has everysingle doodle/sketchg thing that I can find on all my worsheets and notes from the whole year. I found pretty much a lot of them. Haha. Anyway, whenever I can use the scanner from either my dad's work or the one from my mom's, I will do that, and comment on them all, trying to be funny but actually ruining the experience for you all.


Sorry, I'm getting a little distracted by seseme street that is playing behind me.

Ok, yesterday, I got in a really dumb argument. My sister and I had two separate cups for water at supper, but they looks exactly the same. At the end, she saw me drinking out of my cup, and she thought it was hers. She said 'Hey that's mine!', but because i didn't give it to her, because it actually was mine, I didn't give it to her. She then put a clod of dog hair in it. My dad said, why didn't you just give her the cup? And i said because it was mine. Why should I use her cup and she use my cup when we could use our own cups? Oh well, its over now, but it was really dumb at the time.

It's summer, I just woke up an hour ago, and I'm home alone, so I haven't taken a shower yet. I'm hungry, so I'm thinking of going to the store that is a couple blocks from my house to buy ramen. This is my problem though, eventually I am going to try and get a job there. Should I go there to buy something dirty and showerless? Will they remember me and think, ew, that kid was here before and he didn't take a shower. I don't know if they would remember me from then. I'll just take a shower, haha. First i'll eat the last ramen that I have that I just found.

Hey, this is a real big thing at my school, and it is the way to pronounce ramenl. Most of everybody, including me, pronounce it RAH-MEN, but there are a few stubborn people that say RAY-MEN. We even looked it up online, and it is actually pronounced RAH-MEN, but those stubborn dumbholes will not change their minds. Did that offend you? The word Dumbhole? It reminds me of Dumbledore for some reason.

Just now on Sesame street (don't judge me), Elmo's goldfish imagined him dancing on the moon, and he was doing this weird hiphop cheerleader dance in which he was moving his butt all around and stuff. I was really freaked out. It was almost like he was trying to seduce someone. It was really weird.

Crap, I just remembered that I promised myself to do a whole buch of pushups and situps everytime I eat a ramen, plus I forgot yesterday, so I have to do double. Oh well, I have to do it. Might as well actually do it. But first, I gotta pee.

Wow, pushups and situps are a lot harder when you just sat around for about four days. And ramen tastes so much better.

The last four days I have not just sat around exactly, I actually was really busy. As most of you know, our last day of school was four days ago on friday, and so on saturday there was the senior graduation service. Wait, first I'll tell you about the concert on friday. In the concert, my class sang the George of the Jungle theme song, with me being George. You can find it on youtube, just look up 'Eric Pankow as George of the Jungle'. It was really funny and everybody lovfed it, but to do it was very embarrasing. I was really nervous that I was going to yell when I wasn't supposed to, or not yell when I was supposed to, or that my voice would crack. All three of these happened during practice more than once. It turned out fine though, so It's ok.

There's nothing wrong with the egg, It's just about to hatch!


I just took a shower and went to the store. I went to the store only to buy one or two ramen because It is what I am eating for lunch, but of course I also spent one whole dollar on an Raspberry Arizona tea. I ALWAYS buy one. I cannot not buy one, and that drives me crazy. Last summer i spent all my birthday money on Arizona. I vowed that I would never buy one this whole summer, but I did. ARGH. I did well during the school year near the end of the year at not buying any, but I sometimes bought two liter pop bottles. I only did it sparingly and I only drank it sparingly. It was hot out that day, so It was really refreshing, but I need not do that this summer. At least I hope not.

I think I have written enough today, so I am ending this with this: HUMONGOUS.

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