Friday, August 20, 2010

A jar of things to say, covered with tin foil.

So according to what I previously said, The fish naming contest should be over now. I decided to move the end date to today though. today at 12:00 apm. This means that if you have much more time to name the fish. List of the names I have so far.

Flipper, Zealot, Twinket, Farley, Draco, Ocean, Berry, Blue Berry, Christopher, Killer Whale, Oscar, Longfellow, Kafka, Mark Twain, or Bruce Willis, Morris, and Melvin. That is great, because that is three times as many than I was expecting to have. Having followers feels GREAT. If I am missing any, please tell me in the comments of this blog. If you want to make more names, go ahead, in the comments of this blog. And Lex, calm down, you have like 50 already, haha.

Now another update about the ads I might have. I think that I probably will get them, but there probably be so many that it's obnoxious. I don't think it would matter much if I had fifty or five. Please, tell me what you think.

Oh yeah, my laptop is dalsjkh. I have viruses that keep me from opening any programs, so now, I think that my best option is to buy a new and better one, and actually put anti-virus software on it. I was planning on eventually buying a new laptop anyway, since mine was so slow, but now I really have to.

Right now, my brother is letting me use HIS laptop, which actually happens to be exactly the same kind of laptop that I have, except it has a space bar. Isn't it very nice of him to let me use it?

Today we went to a restaurant called Woody's Oasis for the first time. Woody's Oasis has Mediterranean style food, so lot's of vegetables and spices, and of course hummus and pitas on everything. Somehow I spelled Mediterranean right on the first try.

I liked the food, and it was very filling, but I don't think I would go back there by myself.

After that, we went to a store that I have never gone to before, actually called shop rite. This is a joke to our family, because my dad always incorrectly calls the store a couple blocks from our house shop rite, though it's not even close to that. There we got something called Luigi's authentic Italian ice, which was VERY delicious. THe thing I liked most about it though, is that it is Luigi's. Luigi wasn't popular enough in his brother Mario's video games, so he started his own company. A good one too.

Also at that store, they had a whole wall of Ps2 games, and one particular rack had a game I have played before and really liked for 49 cents!! How great of a deal is that!! I might have to go there again sometime.

Today, I packed. I packed for school. I packed for school today because tomorrow, early in the morning I am leaving for the registration, and then I am staying in the dorm the rest of the weekend, the school starts on monday. It's so sad to be starting school, but I will be happy to see my friends, of course. On Sunday, I may be able to get another blog in, but probably not Saturday. I have no idea about the weekdays though. You'll just have to wait and see.

So sorry this blog hasn't been very funny, but I'll end it with something extremely hilarious, this next video.

Don't be flimsy!!


  1. I just like to name things. I can't help it. haha

  2. Sorry Pankow, I couldn't help myself. You're prolly gonna beat me up later for it anyway. Also, school means you get to hang out with me after school during football practice, so don't complain about it.
