Monday, August 23, 2010

This is way harder than I remember

I don't remember if I said I'd write on Saturday or Sunday or not, but I didn't so it doesn't matter. I have forgotten how much harder it is to write extra stuff during the school year than during the summer, and it is. About 68.33% harder.

And now it's time for another episode of Stupid Mistakes that lead to seemingly endless Walking, though this time it was worse.

Last time on Stupid Mistakes that lead to seemingly endless Walking, I was left at a soccer field alone, and was forced to walk two miles down the road to the stores that were so readily equipped with telephones. Not this time...

On Saturday when my parents were still here, we were driving on a road near my school and I saw a Goodwill store. You remember Goodwill right? It's where I got the shirts and all. Well, I decided that I wanted to take my friends there so that they could get shirts, and I could get more, because I love cool shirts. Besides, it was just down the road, a 45 minute walk perhaps, what's the risk??

Two of my friends, Krieger and Lando, decided that it was a good idea also. Thought they had never seen the Goodwill themselves, they liked the good idea of new shirts and they trusted my knowledge of how to get there.

We started along the one main road that goes on for miles without stopping, the road with at least three McDonalds, the road with a Blockbuster AND a Family video. About twenty (or so) minutes down, we came to the store that I was sure the Goodwill was just past, and we had it in our minds, "ok, we're here."

We were not there. We walked for forty five (or so) minutes more before we finally found it. By then our thighs and feet were hurting oh so badly, and we were SO happy to finally be there.

We went inside, and we browsed throughout the shirts. Lando found a cool one, and it caused him to yelp. We yelped back. This is not a time to yelp Lando!

Just then, the intercom came on. It is now 7:00 P.M., and we are now closing. GAh!! WE were SO mad! We had been there for five minutes tops! We quickly checked the end of the rack that each of us was looking at, and Krieger found one he liked. Then we paid for the shirts, and traveled the long way home.

Total, we walked for three and a half hours. I got nothing except for a Wendy's crispy chicken sammich. It was delicious.

I was thinking of challenging myself to writing every single weekday for an entire month one month. Maybe the month of September. Whadd'ya think about it.

Oh yeah. Also, on the way back from Goodwill, there was a car with a whole bunch of girls in it, and Lando said hi to them as we passed by. They were kinda creeped out, but they waved, and then they pulled out onto the busy road. 50 yards down the road, they got into a car accident. I know it was bad, but we laughed. We laughed at the irony.

First day of school was today. I didn't like it. I do really like chemistry class so far, though mostly because of my teacher in that class. He had the best intro, lemme explain. Don't worry about following left or right, because it doesn't matter.

He took three stacks of two cups, and lied them out on his desk. He said, "This is a simple watch the cup as I mix them up game, just to waste time." He then poured water from the faucet half into one of the cups, and mixed them up.

"Which cup has the water?" We knew it was the left cup. "So if I dump this cup into this cup, water will pour out?" It did.

*Mix mix mix

"Which cup now?" Center!! "So the cup in the center will pour our water?" It did again.

*Mix mix mix

"How about now" RIGHT!!! "So if I flip this cup over water will pour on the table?"

He then flipped over the cup and… There was no water in it. We were all shocked. We watched the cups so carefully! He then took the other two cups, and asked a student in the front row which cup had water in it. He chose the right cup, so my teacher dumped it on his head. No water came out.

"So the water is in this cup?", he asked. He then threw it at a girl. She flinched, but there was NO WATER. None of the three cups had the water. He did it in plain sight, on a table with students all around him. How did he do it? Try and guess, it will be funny to me. NOT YOU KRIEGER, YOU KNOW.

I'd say this was pretty good, so go guess. Greatnight.


  1. Umm, he told you guys to look away and he drunk it. Haha yeah I bet that's it.

  2. Hahahahah... I forgot to tell you what he actually did, I'll do it today.
