Sunday, August 15, 2010

Things I am thinking about.

I was gonna go to bed, but I thought that I should probably write a blog, because I won't write it if I don't write it. If that makes sense. I have a couple things to talk about, things that I thought of today while mowing the lawn and while on the waste deposit center (the toilet).

One, I don't think told you yet, but I have my segment 1 drivers permit. Haha yeah... I was actually semi surprised I passed the written exam, since I suck at tests so much. I was so happy when I did, and even my drivers instructor said this ?compliment/insult?

"Y'know, in ever class there's a surprise person that passes, and this time it's you."

I really don't know if that's good or not. And I really didn't do that bad on it. And I really hate this keyboard. 

Sorry to interrupt, but soon when I get to school, in one week, I will have longer blogs since I will have a better keyboard to type it on. Continue.

So I have been driving with my Dad, but since I have never seen a new driver drive before, I don't know how I compare. My guess is that I really suck. My opinion on driving so far is that I hate it. It may just be that BECAUSE I suck at it I hate it, or because my mom screams at nothing, but I dunno, I just don't like it as much as I thought I would a year ago.

Second, I  found on the internet that shaving doesn't actually make a beard grow in faster. Now, I am just letting it grow, no matter how long it is going to take. I still have to look from a certain angle to see any hairs, and I still see old women at my church with longer facial hair than me. THAT disappoints me.

Third, I went to Goodwill today (just in case you live in a place with no Goodwills, its a store garage sale basically. People take their stuff there, and Goodwill sells it. I got two really cool shirts today. I  post pictures of them tomorrow when it's not 11 pm.

Fourth. I forgot to say this yesterday, even though it was the main purpose that I wrote a blog yesterday, but I uploaded a new video to YouTube yesterday. Of course, if you were subscribed to me, you would know that already. 

It's kinda weird because I didn't make it, my little sister did, but there is a bit of humor in it. I have another video recorded, but I am too lazy too edit it. Isok, I'll do it tomorrow.

Just in case you can't figure it out, "isok" is a word I made up, and it is just "it's ok" smooshed together. You say it basically "it's ok" without the "t" 


Eric, you are yelling.


Eric, seriously, you need to stop yelling, our parents are sleeping.



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