Wednesday, September 1, 2010

I feel frustrated.

I won't go into much detail about why I'm frustrated, but basically it is school. I came here to blog because it makes me calm down.

This year at school, we are watching a whole bunch of movies up in our dorm room. At home, I have Netflix, so I am bringing up a couple every once in a while, one at a time of course ((Ack! Stupid Netflix) Just kidding Netflix, I love you.). Lando is bringing up lots of them, Miller brought a couple, so we have plenty movies, and we watch them at night. I am also keeping a list of the movies we watch during the year, because I like keeping lists and keeping collections, for some odd reason. I talk about it next.

Anyway, today in Spanish class, my teacher randomly challenged us to go without T.V. for a week, and yes it is an assignment. This includes computer screens, and video games. Obviously, I am breaking it now by writing this, but there is no way I going without internet for a week. I was thinking, should I watch a movie tonight? We started 'Enemy of the state' yesterday, and we are halfway through, and we are finishing it tonight. Should I watch it? Since I've broken the rule already, does it matter? Something like, I've ruined it already, ruining it any more doesn't make a difference? Or is breaking it twice worse than breaking it once? Another thing, I need the computer for homework. I need to type something at least everyday. Also, the teachers use projector screens to show us power points, should I close my eyes and not watch?

I guess I probably will ignore the challenge, because it really has nothing to do with Spanish, and neither me nor my classmates understand why she assigned it. Also, it was more teaching us how too much T.V. can cause obeisity, and too much video games can lead to violence. I use the internet a lot, but not so much as it is making me less active, I still do things outside and other than that like play chess with Krieger. I am not even going to go into the Video games cause violence thing, because I could write a whole blog on that.

Enough of that, time to tell you something that happened today that made a bunch of my friends go crazy. First, watch this video:

Now you know what Double rainbow is, listen closely, because I'm only going to type it once. You can read it more than once, but that doesn't apply to me.

Today in chapel, the pastor was talking about rainbows and how beautiful they were. It all tied into the sermon, so he wasn't just rambling on about nothing. Just then, when no one was expecting it, he said this,

"One time when my wife and I were on vacation, we saw a double rainbow. Oh man, it was so beautiful. It stretched all the way across the sky!"

I suspect he had seen the video before and did it on purpose, knowing that we were teenagers and we knew what it was, but I really don't know. We did know what it was, because I had downloaded the video and brought it up on my iPod to show all my friends a week before. Right after the pastor said that, we all looked at each other, and we knew what we were thinking, "WHAT?!?! DID HE REALLY JUST SAY THAT?!?!"

Right after chapel was over, you couldn't walk anywhere through the hallways without hearing "double rainbow".

I dunno, I guess that is something that is more funny when you are there.

GAh... I'm so tired... I'm gonna take a nap.

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