Sunday, September 5, 2010

We killed the bees with the swatty things.

Again, I forgot how to blog.

Today, we decided that we were going to eat lunch outside on the lovely patio that we so tirelessly built. We brought all the food out there, I even set up the umbrella. Then the bees came.

They swarmed in our food, landed in our scrambled eggs, and even circled that umbrella. My dad killed one with a swatty thing, and one of them came at me. I grabbed it with my hand. Weird huh? Grabbing with hands...

Anywhy, I grabbed the bee with my hand. See a problem? I got stung the exact instant I grabbed it. I think it was the first time I was stung by a bee before, although I though that I have before. I think that the other times, the bees didn't get me very good. This time, the stinger was on me and everything. It swelled up and everything. It is ok now, though I can still feel it.

So normally, I would be at school right now, in bed. But no! It's Labor day weekend! I have no school tomorrow! It feels awesome.

I was planning on doing so much more this weekend than I did. I didn't go anywhere, but that's how I like it. I stayed home, and did nothing. No, actually that's a lie.

I'm going to start now, and go back in time.

A couple hours ago, my brother and my dad went fishing in a friends special spot, and got two bass. Our family never really fishes much, but we do occasionally, so the catching them part was no problem. We did have trouble filleting them, but hey tasted good and they were our supper along with a delicious delicious ramen. It was cool how after they were dead, and after we cut their head off even, they still were moving so much. My sister thought it was creepy, but my dog thought it looked delicious.

When I woke up on Saturday, I was woken up early, by my brother;

"Papa says to get up and come upstairs"

I was so tired, so I replied, "No he didn't", and rolled over.

He was right there though, and he said, "Yes I did."

I got up.

We had to get up early because my youth group and I sold programs for five dollars at the Michigan State Football game. We made money for our youth group, and stood out in the freezing windy-ness while doing it. The wind was the strongest and most multi-directional I think I have ever felt, and it was 50-60 degrees out. Plus, the Brats were four dollars.

This wintry weather happened on Saturday. On Wednesday, I think, it was 94 degrees out. Poor football players had their practice out in that. Once again am glad that I didn't join football, besides that I'm out of shape now. I threw a football around with my friend on Saturday, and I very quickly got too tired. This is not good. At least I am doing wrestling. No? I haven't told you this yet? Well I am. There.

The ONLY single reason I would have wanted to do football is for the jerseys. If you are on Varsity, you get two jerseys, one for you to wear, and one for you to give to a girl to wear the day of the game. It's really cool how long in advance girls ask to wear your jersey, because they know that others will want to wear it too. Thats the ONLY single reason.

I'm eating Cheerios. Is that a good ending phrase?


  1. I really need to start proofreading these things.

  2. Cheerios is always a good place to end.

  3. They were Honey Nut Cheerios too!

  4. Weren't you gonna have me proofread them? What happened to that? I proofread(ed?) like one.

  5. Oh yeah. Maybe because I just want to get it up and I'm not really caring about grammar. I like comments.
