Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Mah Weekend. It t'was three days.

Hey, this previous weekend was really awesome, and I haven’t told you about it at all. Shame on you, Eric. Shame…

To set the time and place, I’ll say that I had school off on Monday the 5th, because the first of six terms of the school year just ended on Friday, and we always get the next day off of school for grade review. Now having an extra day off of school is always a good thing, but is even better when you go to a friend’s house. I went to Krieger’s house with Jeremiah, but that is NOT where this weekend began. It starts on Friday night, during the Varsity Homecoming Football game.

To make a long story short, we had Vuvuzelas.

A boy in my class in my class took orders, and went and ordered them off eBay (Oh the word eBay, with your lower case “e” and your uppercase second letter, Oh how I love thee.). He then brought them to the game. Haha, the game.

The Vuvuzelas were much more awesome than I EVER expected, and though I had a cracked lip at the time, they were extremely fun to blow. They collapsed smaller like a plastic lightsaber (The Microsoft Word dictionary is screaming to change lightsaber to light saber, but I ignore it because it’s funny.), they were red and white, our school colors, and they were really loud! What’s not to love? Apparently that they are too loud. There were many people complaining that they were way too annoying, and that they were too loud for a high school football game. Then again, I also thought they were annoying until I blew one myself. Now I can’t get enough of it.

I actually really want to know the ratio of people that loved the Vuvuzelas to the people that hated them, because there really was a larger number than I expected opposed to them.

When THE GAME was over, we drove home to Krieger’s house, and he gave us a tour that was way longer than it needed to be, and then we went straight to bed. Hey, vuvuzela blowing is exhausting. Exhaust is one of my favorite words.

The next morning, we woke up and ate cereal. Jeremiah commented on how good Americans are at making cereal. We said thank you, taking a little bit of credit for the delicious taste of cocoa krispies. What? Krispies isn’t a word? Disappointment.

After breakfast, we went hiking. We walked along a nature trail that went through the forest, but once we got far enough in, we ditched the trail. It was more fun that way. Eventually we came to a creek that was deep enough and wide enough that you couldn’t jump over, so we walked along the bank. Soon we came to a fallen log the stretched over the creek, but it was thin and slippery, so naturally, Jeremiah wanted to try crossing on it.

He climbed up onto it, at first walking but soon he got down to crawl across. We didn’t think he would, but he made it. Though the way the log way positioned, he couldn’t use it to get back over, so he was stuck. We went on, Jeremiah on one side of the river, and Krieger and I on the other, looking for another log to cross. After a while, Jeremiah gave up and took his socks and shoes off and waded across a shallow section.

We kept following the river until we found another less traveled trail, and we happily followed it. On the way I climbed a tree, Jeremiah farted on one, and we found another that was small enough to carry. We carried it along the trail, because Krieger said there was a dam nearby. When we got to the dam, we threw the tree off the side, and it broke. It was pretty cool.

The next day after church, we were in Krieger’s back yard, and we found his dad’s canoe, which He allowed us to use. He set us up with some life jackets and oars, and we packed some cookies and Jones soda, and we carried it down to the boat docking, which was only a couple blocks from Krieger’s house. The canoe was actually way heavier than we expected, and we complained about how much it weighed and how awkward it was to carry most of the way.

We canoed for about two hours, and on the way we found; One muddy shoe (Jeremiah hung it on a tree), One popped plastic balloon (we put it in our canoe and threw it away later), One metal softball bat (Jeremiah hits trees with it, and we still have it), a baseball (Jeremiah hits it with the bat also), A large fishing hook w/ line (You may hear about this soon), and we saw one blue heron. Jeremiah never saw a heron before, so it was pretty cool.

After the canoe trip, we were pretty exhausted. There’s that amazing word again.

We played ‘pirates dice’, or ‘Liars dice’ and after we learned how, we watched the part of Pirates of the Caribbean where they played it, and we actually understood it. That was pretty cool. We brought the game to school, and we play it moderately a lot.

On Monday, we slept in, and then we walked to town. We would have biked, but there are no bikes allowed in the town. Krieger’s dad gave us some money to but something in a cool little coffee shop, and I got a large pure espresso. It surprisingly didn’t effect me. And it burned my tongue.

I’m getting sick of writing and the weekend is over, so now for the question.
“What is the closest item to you starting with the letter ‘L’?”



  1. I was looking around the room for L things, and guess what is in my lap... yes, my gym clothes, but that is to protect the LAPTOP (the L word) from cooking my legs.

  2. Lando is right next to me. He starts with L.

  3. Haha, Nan, My laptop does that too. My brother built me a little wooden stand for it, which lifts up the back end to let air flow under it. It works pretty nicely. If mine gets too hot though, It'll turn off, so I have to keep it cool. Sometimes I put ice packs under it.
