Monday, October 11, 2010

Better late than never. Better with butter than... no butter.

This was supposed to be posted last Thursday. 

Oh well, I forgive you.
This toast was supposed to have butter on it. 


I was going to say that it has jam on it instead. 

!!!!! (<- five) YOU ARE SO FORGIVEN.

Do you know about the equation y=-13x+10? Well, not only does it look sweet in Georgia font, my favorite font, but It is actually an equation that I know all about. I know the most important thing that there is to know about it, and that is that it has nothing to do with anything, and it is just a random equation written in slope-intercept form with the first numbers that came into my head. GASP, especially for air.

Oh, here comes a freshman, one which I have nicknamed ‘Skylar Stingray Douglas Gilbert’. Heh. Heh heh.

So Jeremiah brought his skateboard to the dorm because there is a skate park not too far from school, so he goes there at least once a week. If not once, then zero times. He is pretty good, but compared to me, he’s amazing. Compared to Tony Alva or someone else, he’s terrible, like me. He has been teaching me how to Ollie, which is what plain jumping is called in skate board terms. I have been trying for years, but with his help, I finally got it last night. Next week I may bring my skateboard to the dorm from school. But of coarse, I will not use in IN the dorm… Heh heh…

In other related Jeremiah news, he is in a band back in Germany, and I want to help him get noticed by mentioning him in here. His band name is NotAufNahme, which in German means something like Emergency Room I think. His six songs are on Youtube, you can watch them HERE.

In five minutes, I am going to go watch an episode on Psych, a really funny crime show, because Krieger ahs season 3 on DVD.

Four minutes.

Two Sundays ago, I tied a blue ribbon from a balloon to my wrist, and I haven’t taken it off once yet.

Three minutes.

I plan on keeping it on for a very long time. One of my friends also has a blue ribbon for her keys, but

Two minutes.

Hers is nicer, and she tells me that every time she sees me. Her ribbon is cloth, maybe silk! Mine is plastic. Wah…

One minute!


1 comment:

  1. Darn, I've already read this one. I was excited for a second there.
