Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Stop answering my rhetorical questions, you always say weird stuff.

What if you were a Chinese house servant? Then when people asked what you did for a living, you could say that you were a “Maid in China”. Haha… I made that up myself, and I am so proud of it.

This weekend, I am planning on competing with the best of the best, the homeless, in their best sport, can-collecting. There is a popular College football stadium not far from my house, and I plan on going there and making a little money. I plan on making about $20-$25, but more would be nice.

(Ehem, to any homeless people who may be collecting cans there too, try and go easy on me, it’s only my second time at this, and you are a state champion. Please, leave a couple here and there for me. Please?)

Lately I have become obsessed with the exclamation ‘Moo’. I don’t know what it is, but when ever I don’t know what to say, I say moo. When I don’t know what to draw, I write the word moo in all capitol letters. When I don’t know what to put as my Facebook status, I say “moo…”. Really, I have done it I think three times already.

No Microsoft Word 2007, I did not mean “face*space*book”. I wrote exactly what I meant, because I meant it. And I never make spellingg erors.

My Chemistry teacher, to make things fun for no reason, took all of our books, and drew a very tiny smiley face on one of the pages in the entire book, and told us that if we find it, we get one extra credit point. Guess who found it already?

No, not Daniel Boone, are you crazy? He’s dead!

Galileo Galilei? You seriously need to think before you talk. Not only did he die in 1642, he was blind for the last part of his life.

I’ll just tell you. I found it! I went through every page from the front back until I found it on page 648. That means I looked at that many pages. Crazy huh. GAh, Now it’s not so exciting with Daniel Boone and Galileo in my head. That’s it, no more answering my RHETORICAL questions.

Oooh, fancy, MY Microsoft word 2007 is black now. What color is yours? Normal blue? Heeheehee.

Yesterday, Jeremiah and I bought ice cream from a restaurant*slash*ice cream parlor. Only when we got there did I realize how expensive ice cream can be. The cheapest thing they had, the kids cone, was $1.65, and the cone Jeremiah bought was $4.10! They must be making some serious profit in there.

I noticed that I haven’t been as funny as I was when I started the blog, mostly because I forgot to be. Was this one better?

Now for the question, the only way I can get you dudes and dudettes to comment.

“Are you for or against fuzzy and thick carpeting?”


  1. I do like carpeting because at my grandparents house I would hold onto the couch and rub my feet on the floor until it felt like I was on fire, and I thought that was fun. But it gets dirty easily. So I'm in the middle.

  2. I also am in the middle. I love when carpet is clean, but when its dirty, oh ho ho! You don't even want to know what I do.

    I scream.

    I make up things.

    Like me screaming.
