Saturday, January 15, 2011

Tron Legacy

Yesterday, I would have had no time to blog, so it's a good thing I'm doing this 'every other day thing'. You see, my brother's basketball game was yesterday, so I had to go. I ended up having a good time, but not watching the game, just talking to a few people in the stands who were as bored as I was. It's not that the game was not interesting, it's just that I'm not all too interested in watching basketball. 

After the game, a bunch of players and there families went to a restaurant to celebrate our win or something. I didn't really care why, I was just happy we were going. The restaurant of choice: An Italian restaurant called 'Piazzanos'. All I could think of was what Mario says at the beginning of his and Luigi's show, The Super Mario bro. Super Show! 

At 'Piazzanos', the waitress (Olivia) brought our Mountain Dew in really cool plastic mugs. I drank it with gusto!

According to the  Google dictionary, Gusto is defined as such: vigorous and enthusiastic enjoyment. Fits perfectly into that sentence don't you think?

I would like to let you know that I made a new list in the right side of the blog page, and it includes all the things that I just love WAY too much. If you look over there, you'll notice that one of the items on there is the movie Tron Legacy. I absolutely LOVE that movie!

I only just saw it today. Actually, about two hours ago actually. It is literally now my favorite movie. It's good to have a favorite movie, because before I didn't have one. I don't have a lot of favorite things, for example, I have no favorite color. The same with band/artist. When people ask me what music I listen to, I kind of nervously chuckle and say, "Well, uh...."

Now I know I'm not a movie critic, nor will I ever be one, but Tron was soooo good. I actually didn't mean to see it though. Sure, I wanted to see it, but I went to the theater thinking I was going to see 'Social Network.' 

Before we went, we checked the theater's website, and it said that Social Network was playing in the theater in our area, so we went. When we got there however, the guy said, "No, that's our other location." We said, "Nyeh~...", and then we stuck out our tongues. 

We didn't stick our tongues out, or say Nyeh. We were very respectful to the man, but only because he had a beard.

We were mad at the time, but I am glad we say Tron instead, because it was much better than I expected from the trailer.

Yesterday my chemistry set came for my at-home Chemistry class. Now we own our of beaker, and we have our own chemistry goggles. Am I the only one who thinks that's really cool?


  1. Is it true what I hear? That you're coming up this weekend? It would be. The one time my parents would want me to come home WOULD be one of my major chances to hang out...

  2. chemistry experiments are my favorite when there isn't an annoying worksheet to finish at the end :/

    i just saw the social network and it was okay, but i've never been a fan of the 'drama' genre. i don't know.

    and gnomes! did you know there's a movie coming out called gnomeo and juliet? i'm really excited. gnomes + shakespeare = magic.

  3. Yeah! I saw that movie poster when I saw Tron! It looks pretty cool!

    Now that you say that, I'm glad I saw Tron and not Social network.

    And EXACTLY my feeling about Chemistry. You told us exactly how to do it, why do we have to say exactly how we did it?
