Tuesday, January 18, 2011

I made a mistake.

I accidentally forgot to blog yesterday, thinking it was today that I needed to blog. To keep things persistent, I will blog today, and then tomorrow, and then continue with the every other day thing. 

Y'know, I might just start blogging everyday. I dunno, we'll see what happens. 

Right now I am at that library where I wrote THIS thing. At the time I thought that was a pretty good blog. Now I read it, and I think it sucks. Whenever I look back at something I wrote or drew in the past, I always think of how childish and not funny I was, even though at the time I thought I was hilarious. 

FOR EXAMPLE: I was looking back at facebook statuses I posted a year ago, and I came across many where I thought, "Why... did I post that. That is really stupid." It makes me think more carefully about what I post.

Yesterday my brother and sister had school off for the anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.'s birth, and of course, I am home schooled, so it was just us three at home during the day, we shoveled a neighbor's driveway, and then we had a bunch of time to pass. We decided to... 

You'll find out right after this message from our sponsors!

Don't you hate it when they do that on game shows? 

We have no sponsors. That's probably a mistake, since I'd get money. Maybe I'll get adsense, I dunno. 

And now we're back. Before we left, Eric was just about to tell about what he and his siblings did at home while his parents were out working. Let's see what he has to say.

We decided to watch some home videos of when we were little. You know, the ones that you have to plug in the VCR to watch because you NEVER use the VCR (I'm sure like less than 50% of households even have one)? Watching yourself as a younger kid is always really fun, because you can see how- HOLD ON.

My sister just sleep walked past me into the living room, walking like a drunken zombie, turned around and went back to bed. HA! If I was doing a video blog I would have got that on video! Well, it wouldn't be the first time she has sleep walked. Actually, she does it all the time. Sometimes you can even make her sleep walk when she is sleeping if you wake her up right. Most of the time she just sleep walks to the bathroom, uses the bathroom, and then goes back to bed. I wish I did that, it would be a whole lot easier than stumbling through the dark, tripping over a vacuum and cutting your foot on a couch that was cut in half to be converted into a dog bed (just last night actually, I did this exact thing! Huh!).

Well anyway, I think it's really cool to see how far your younger self has progressed toward being what you are today. I always wonder what I would say as a four year old if someone showed me my 2011 school picture. I think I would probably say something really strange, but it would be really cute because it came from a four year old. Four was obviously my prime age.

When we watched these videos, I realized one thing. Little Eric is EXTREMELY obnoxious. HOLY COW.

"Hey, cow's aren't holy."

"Well the dark spots on them, from a distance could be confused as holes to someone who doesn't know any better! Now go away Library Eric, I'm in the middle of something."


Seriously though, every single thing being recorded, usually my baby sister drooling on the blanket she was lying on, I would be singing a song, or slamming things on the closet door, or whistling, or singing scat, or anything else obnoxious in the background. I was pretty impressed though, with my ability to not spam one song over and over. I never heard myself sing one song more than once. 

I just now finished the last half of this at 11:00 at night, right before I went to bed, because I had forgot to finish it earlier, and then when I had finally gotten comfortable in bed, I remembered that I hadn't finished it. I got out of bed for you people!

If I ever say 'Nyeh', or 'Nyeh~', It's a reference to this.

Plug into another power source.

No laptop, I don't need to, I am done using you!

So Nyeh! (It has to be capitalized)


  1. i liked the description of the hairy butt cheeks. very nice.

    i love when people do things in their sleep. it's my second favorite thing to laugh about. the first is me falling down in awkward places. like the ditch in the grass in front of my dorm (i was frolicking). also there was snow.

  2. You were frolicking? haha, yeah falling down is funny, unless it's in the dark over a vacuum onto a dog bed. Then you kinda sit there in the dark, thinking, OW!

  3. was the dog bed cushioned? because if it was, that's a very lucky and graceful way to fall.

  4. No it wasn't, because we were washing the cushions. That's why it was in the middle of the floor! It's ok now though haha.

  5. hahahahahaha then that may be one of the unluckiest ways to fall. it's okay though. when i fell in the ditch, it was like 11 at night on a friday. there was coldness and lots of snow and there were people watching. and they thought i was drunk. which i was NOT. i'm just naturally clumsy.

  6. Oh man, I hate being cold when it's dark, it almost doubles the miserableness.
