Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The people of the library.

I have decided I will blog everyday. I always look forward to blogging, and I like even more being done with one and uploading it, and I love even more when I get comments (hint hint), so whats the harm?

*Gulp gulp* Now I'm done with my brown sugar coffee. I know I shouldn't chug it, but it tastes so good and it warms up my cold feet. Which of you guys actually likes coffee? Because I know not everyone does.

Yesterday we ran out of brown sugar, and I had to use normal white sugar! >:(

Well yesterday, I was at the library, as I told you, but I don't think I have ever told you about it in very much detail. So here goes.

My library is fairly new, so all the computers are fast, all the bookshelves are nice and new, and there is more technology than in you library. The books there are all new-ish, so of course they had entire aisles devoted to those teenage girl drama books, because for some reason girls LOVE reading books that are as sad and depressing as the author can possibly make them, with countless deaths and suicides and all that whatnot. I don't know why, but I try and stay far away from those aisles. 

As I have made known before, I like reading certain Mangas, such as Naruto, One Piece (Argh, I ALWAYS misspell the word piece! I ALWAYS switch the 'i' and the 'e'!), Bleach, and the newest one I am working on, Fullmetal Alchemist. This library fully supports me in this by having many mangas, and updating it's supply whenever it can. In fact, I just borrowed ten books of Fullmetal Alchemist last week. I haven't read too many of them though, since my dad is making me read To Kill a Mockingbird... 

It also has many other books that I like to read, like John Green books(I just found Paper Towns yesterday, I have been searching forever for that book), Pendragon books (My sister refuses to read these, even though they are my all time favorites, simply because they are huge), and others that I cannot think of now. 

This library also has video games that you can borrow. You do have to pay a dollar for every week you keep it, but that is a very good price compared to what you can buy video games for new these days.

The thing to me though that is most interesting about this library, is the regulars. You know, the people you see there EVERY SINGLE TIME you go there, and you wonder how much they are actually there because no matter what time of the day you go, they are always there.

There is one man, who always is using the computer, writing some 80 page thing in Microsoft Word, probably some book. He always keeps the file on a pink flash drive. I wonder how much space an 80 page word document would take up? This man always has a bottle of expensive looking cologne with him, and occasionally he gives himself a squirt of the stuff. You always have to watch when you go behind him, or you might be caught in one of them. 

There is one woman who comes to sit in the comfortable chairs in the reading area and take a nap. She is wearing nice clothing, so I don't think shes homeless, but I can't think of any other explanation. Maybe she comes here meaning to look for books, but the power of sleepiness takes over her body and she just can't help but take a nap. 

I have cousins that live in Montana, and there are four states between Montana and my state. She goes to college in Minnesota, and she is in her colleges choir. The choir is very good, she and her choir once went to Europe, and sang in places in Germany, France, and  some other countries that I don't remember. They are coming to do a concert in a place less than an hour away from where we live, and less than ten minutes from a place my brother has a basketball game tonight. So tonight, we will go to my brothers basketball game, and then when it gets done, we will go to my cousins choir. This is a really awesome thing, because we see her about once a year (Well more if you include Skype), and because we have NEVER seen her concert perform before (Well twice if you include the internet)



  1. i like the idea of coffee. i like thinking of me and my laptop at a local cafe drinking coffee with foam and taking in the is gross unless diluted to an absurd degree with milk and sugar.

    people watching is one of my hobbies. i'm really good at it btw

    and have fun at the concert!

  2. Hey... That is from... Uh... Either looking for Alaska or an abundance of Katharines! I don't remember which though... Horrible memory with things like that.

  3. hahahahahahahaha yep. katherines.
